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你和谁住在一起?Who are you rooming with?

轻松处理团队客人分房。Easy handle rooming list of group.

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他和我的朋友史密斯在一起住。He is rooming with my friend Smith.

你和那个傻瓜说过你不会和他在一起住吗?You tell that idiot you're not rooming with him?

你还没告诉他我们要做室友吗?You still haven't told him that we're rooming together?

她在一家餐厅找了份工作,并找了一间出租屋作为栖身之地。She found a restaurant job and a bed in a rooming house.

我生活在一个城市里,在一个8层高的楼里居住。I am live in city, the building is a 8 floor rooming house.

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我不知道你打算明年和谁同住一室。I was wondering who you were planning on rooming with next year.

“有没有很多演戏剧的人在这住过?”年轻人问道。"Do you have many theatrical people rooming here" asked the young man.

客人关系职员应直接陪客人到房间。按照引客人到房间程序执行。Guest Relations will escort the guest directly to their room. Rooming procedure applies.

文红旗在分房榜上没看到自己的名字,她给兰贵成没打通电话。Wen the red flag, didnt see your name on the rooming list, she didnt give LanGuiCheng call.

她将与某个不认识的人同房且住在离家三百哩外的小镇上。在那里她一个人都不认识。She was going to be rooming with someone she didn't know and living in a town 300 miles away from home.

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数以万计的人们在狭窄的楼房、出租的民屋或者养老院里消度余年。Millions of them wear out the days of their existence in small apartments, in rooming houses, in nursing homes.

在那部电影里,在1962年的香港,已婚男人周先生爱上了同一所公寓房子里张曼玉扮演的端庄的已婚女人。Chow is a married man who falls for an elegant married woman, played by Maggie Cheung, who lives in the same rooming house.

那些觉得和异性合住会比较坦然的同性恋学生也赞同这一计划。Some gay students who feel more comfortable rooming with someone of the opposite sex are also taking advantage of the option.

爱婴医院实施的早吸吮、母婴同室提高了婴儿的母乳喂养率。The carter breast-feeding and the rooming -in for mother and her infant carryed out in the hospital raised breast feeding rate.

有时人们会在那里或城里其他的汽车旅馆或寄宿旅馆租房间,一租就是几周甚至数月。Sometimes people would rent rooms there, and at other motels and rooming houses around town, for weeks or even months at a time.

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服务员在遗留物品和工作记录上写好房间号码,放在指定地方。The Room Attendant will secure the item in the pantry specifying on the rooming list the room number where the article was found.

铁路线又哪里能挡得住大胃口开发商们的视线,南角区那些老旧的出租房已经逐渐被改造为一栋栋公寓。A new generationof Bostonians had discovered the South End, and theold rooming houses were gradually being converted to apartment buildings.

登上梯子,在一间散发着,消毒水气味的昏暗公寓里,她看到了一个老人缩成一团,以一种他无法感受的哀伤颤抖着。On the stair leading up into the disinfectant-smelling twilight of a rooming house, she saw an old man huddled, shaking with grief she couldn't hear.