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信用问题困扰了一大批人。Crump Credit problems bedevil a large number of people.

类似的问题业困扰这中国的风力涡轮产业。Similar problems bedevil the wind turbine industry in China.

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而由指针错误引起的调试问题连富有经验的程序员都感到头疼。Debugging problems due to pointer errors bedevil even experienced programmers.

我观察到了一些反复出现的弱点,它们困扰着许多未来的企业家。I have observed certain recurring weaknesses that bedevil many would-be entrepreneurs.

但一再出现的科学造假丑闻使中国作为创新者的声誉持续受损。But repeated scientific fraud scandals continue to bedevil China's reputation as an innovator.

近70年战争过去了,关于日本在战争中暴行的记忆继续困扰着两国关系。Nearly 70 years after the war ended, memories of Japan's war atrocities continue to bedevil the relations.

库尔德人和土耳其人,巴格达的什叶派和沙特阿拉伯的瓦哈比派已经在此消除了困扰他们国家的教派纷争。Kurd and Turk, Baghdad Shia and Saudi Arabian Wahhabi have bridged the sectarian rifts that bedevil their homelands.

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本地化修改可以很容易地应用并且可以立即看到修改效果,但是副作用产生的破坏也会使您非常苦恼。Localized changes are easy to apply and you can see their immediate effect, but far-away side-effect breakages bedevil you.

以色列也是一个困扰下任国务卿的长期的外交难题,希拉里也有自己的见解。On Israel, the other chronic foreign policy issue that will bedevil the next secretary of state, Mrs. Clinton would bring baggage as well.

她们同炼狱中的智慧生物或精界的灵魂沟通,用强力的魔能爆吞噬敌人,或用恶毒的诅咒折磨对手。They commune with infernal intelligences and fey spirits, scour enemies with potent blasts of eldritch power, and bedevil foes with hexing curses.

例如,人们在寺庙里鞠躬,祭祖时鞠躬,但在迎来送往中却没有这个礼节,不像在日本那样折腾外国人。People bow at temples and in honor of ancestors, for instance, but they don’t go in for the bows of greeting and farewell that so often bedevil foreigners in Japan.

当提到财富浪费的问题时,谈到困扰着资源富足的贫困国家,特别是那些盛产石油的国家的问题时,指责之声不绝于耳。When it comes to wasted wealth, and the problems that bedevil poor countries that are rich in natural resources, especially oil, there is plenty of blame to go around.

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国家发改部部长马凯说,低能源效益令中国企业颇为苦恼,因为它们的竞争力和营利大为受限。Ma Kai, minister of the State Development and Reform Commission, said that low energy efficiency continues to bedevil Chinese companies, limiting their competitiveness and returns.