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此种统计是没有意义的。statistically insignificant.

间断性可以忽略不计。The discontinuity can be insignificant.

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民族、宗教无小事。Nation and religion are not insignificant.

这位老爷爷很小的时候就入了村塾。A lord regarded as immature or insignificant.

在中国,企业区别对待的情况不可忽视。In China, that distinction is not insignificant.

他总是喜欢挑剔某些毫不重要的细节。He always quibbles over some insignificant details.

并且他决定自己出钱付那微不足道的船费。He also decided to pay the insignificant fare by himself.

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浸润器的类型的影响不显著。The effect of type of sizing applicator is insignificant.

在你们这些奉献者面前,我感到自己极其的渺小。I feel most insignificant in the presence of these devotees.

甘地曾说过,人活着,无论做什么都渺小如微尘Gandhi said that whatever you do in life will be insignificant

同样地,教会里亦没有不重要的事工。Likewise, there are no insignificant ministries in the church.

摆荡在时间的轨迹,个人者发现自己何其渺小。Oscillating along the track of time, we sea our insignificant.

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党在工人中的影响也微不足道。The influence of the party among the workers is insignificant.

这就意味着你生命里发生的事情没有无关紧要的。This means nothing that happens in your life is insignificant.

甘地说,你一生中做的每件事都是渺若微尘的。Gandhi said that whatever you do in life will be insignificant.

裂变时产生的物质数量是不够的。The amount of material produced during fission is insignificant.

从宗教学的角度看,他们告诉我上帝是伟大的人类是渺小的。Theologically, I see that God is great and we are insignificant.

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常言说,和自然界相比,人类十分渺小。People often say that, compared with nature, man is insignificant.

④在嵌入性关系存在时,合同形式是无关紧要的。The contract form is insignificant on the existence of embeddedness.

在长达三个月的干旱里,只下了些微不足道的雨。There was insignificant rainfall during the three-month-long drought.