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我想当一名美术老师。I want tob an art teacher.

所有的喜欢,最后只有一小部分能够成为爱情。All of like, only a small part tob love last.

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对不起,打搅你了,我的车出了问题。Sorry tob o ther you. I have a problem with my car.

帮助罪恶的灵魂早日转世,成为好的生灵是我应尽的善事。Help a demon transmigrate earlier , tob cne a good one.

不管能否开花结果,喜欢一个人的感觉都是愉快的。Regardless of ability tob fruit, like is feeling happy.

这两个犯罪分子和警察共谋抢劫银行。The two criminals connived with the police to tob the bank.

亚扪人攻打以色列的时候,基列的长老到陀伯地去,要叫耶弗他回来。the elders of Gilead went to get Jephthah from the land of Tob.

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耶弗他就逃离他的弟兄们,去住在陀伯地。So Jephthah fled from his brothers and dwelt in the land of Tob.

如果你想成为这个俱乐部的一员,你必须遵守它的规则。If you want to be a member of the club you have tob subject to its rules.

给出的实现这些体制的方法极其有效。The way to realize the schemes presented in this paper , turn out tob e extremely practical.

我学会了在处理客户的抱怨时要有耐心而且要尽力为他们解决困难。Il earned tob e patient wh end ealing with custom ers complaints and try my best to solve th em.

换句话说,经济利益在管理层和劳动者之间的分配开始变得更加不平等。In other words, economic benefits have begun tob be spread far more unevenly between management and labour.

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我凭著好奇心和直觉所干的这些事情,有许多后来都证明是无价之宝。And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out tob e priceless later on.

感恩,它虽说是一个行为动词,但它不止需要行动,更重要的是需要做到真心实意。Thanksgiving, although it is an act of th vrb, but it nds mor action, mor importantly, nds tob don in good faith.

人们笑你的错误总比对你生气好。因为他们不懂你在说什么。It's better for people to laugh at you mistakes than tob angry with you , because they don't understand what you are saying.

在最后一章中我将向您展示如何使用阿诺德建立令人信服的头发着色和渲染他们期望的结果。In the final chapter I then show you how to use arnold tob UIld convincing hair shaders and render them for the desired result.

支撑板可使整个装置安装或拆卸,而不会对气体安装在同一个盖上的其它设备造成干扰。The support plate permits the entire unit tob installed or removed without disturbing other equipment mounted on the same cover.

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亚扪人攻打以色列的时候,基列的长老到陀伯地去,要叫耶弗他回来。And it was so, that when the children of Ammon made war against Israel, the elders of Gilead went to fetch Jephthah out of the land of Tob

结论骨盆复位及固定可帮助断裂尿道的复位与固定,提高尿道会师术的效果。Conclusions Urethral realignment with pelvic fixation seems tob e the treatment of chice for posterior urethral injury complicating pelvic fracture.

文章对综合音乐感教育进行了阐述,并探讨其对我国音乐教育和素质教育的启示。The article elaborates Comprehensive Music Sense Education and its inspiration to our music education and quality education tob e used as valuable reference.