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她老是颐指气使的。And she's so bossy.

在自己的世界里纵横跋扈。Aspect in their own world, bossy.

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不会说话的计算机明显也是专横的。Dumb computer is obviously bossy too.

专横已然过时,团队合作才是正理。Being bossy is out and teamwork is in.

大多数时候,她很专横和固执,Most of the time she is bossy and pushy,

不,她小气,心胸狭窄,又拔扈。No, she is stingy, narrow- minded and bossy.

专横的护士长脸上滑落点点泪珠。Tears conquer the face of the bossy head nurse.

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狮子座通常被描述为一个充满阳光,慷慨大方却又有些专制蛮横的星座。Leos are best described as fun loving, generous but bossy.

专横的护士长脸上滑落点点泪珠。凯伦则兴奋的涨红了脸。Tears conquer the face of the bossy head nurse. Karen glows.

哇,你肯定是个被宠坏了的淘气鬼,一定非常专横跋扈。Oh, you must have been a spoiled brat. You must be really bossy.

他有点儿霸道,经常蔑视别人的观点。He is a bit bossy and often treats other people's ideas with distain.

他对其他小孩儿都很霸道以至于他没有交到一个玩伴儿。He was so bossy with other kids thathe couldn’t get through a playdate.

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而弟弟觉得姐姐是个蛮横的“自大狂”,总自以为自己什么都懂似的。The pain thinks his older sister, the great one, is a bossy know-it-all.

布莱克太太最专横霸道,她好像永远坐在审判官席上。Mrs black is so bossy she always acts as thought she is in the judgment seat.

马修有答案,但像往常一样,他的专横的姐姐杰西卡需要看到证据。Matthew has the answer but, as usual, his bossy sister Jessica needs to see the proof.

但这并不排除那些易激动的、沮丧的、不友好的、讽刺的、或专横的。But it does rule out those who are over excitable depressed unfriendly sarcastic or bossy.

如果你期望长子起到表率的作用,那他就一定会成长为一个刚正不阿或霸气十足的男子汉吗?If your eldest is always expected to set an example, will he inevitabey become upright and bossy?

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但是,如果你说话的声音太大,人们就会觉得你傲慢专横,目空一切。But, if you speak too loudly , you may be perceived as overbearing , bossy , a bully , a braggart.

计算机语言之所以如此的专横,其中的一个好的理由就是让程序变得更精确而且没有歧义。But a good reason why computer languages are made bossy is to make programs precise and unambiguous.

金枪鱼成群地游过浅滩,带着朱红色的鱼鳍和凸起的金色眼珠,然他却丝毫没有留意。Vermilion- finned and with eyes of bossy gold, the tunnies went by in shoals, but he heeded them not.