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这是供应雪花石膏的详细页面。This is a supply of alabaster details page.

女王却如一尊蜡像般站在那里。But the Queen stood like a statue of alabaster.

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这电灯泡装在一个雪花石膏似的灯罩里。The electric light bulb is in an alabaster bowl.

她打破玉瓶,就倒在耶稣头上。She broke the alabaster jar and poured it on his head.

无论是乔木,灌丛还是高大的蕨树,都似玉砌冰雕。The trees, the bushes and the tall ferns are carved with alabaster.

我怎么也琢磨不明白,石膏一样的前额是什么样的,你知道吗?What is an alabaster brow? I never could find out. Can you tell me?

比如,你能谈谈为何使用西班牙雪花石膏吗?For example, you can talk about why the use of Spanish alabaster it?

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为些珍珠都是用真正的珠母裹上一层进口雪花石玻璃制成。These pearls are imported alabaster glass enrobed in real pearlescence.

他们通常会去玛达雅玉山脉购买原材料。They usually go to the alabaster mountains in Madaya to buy raw materials.

直径米尔扎在很短的,提取穿着暴露在发油推出她雪花腿。Dia Mirza in a short, fetching dress exposing her alabaster legs at a hair oil launch.

她的观众通常被她水汪汪的大眼睛和白皙的皮肤所吸引。Her audiences are usually attracted by her waterish huge eyes and pale alabaster skins.

在悬崖之外,大地显示出处处伤痕,到处都是新的老的侵蚀和雪花石膏开采矿留下的痕迹。Beyond the cliffs, the land lay in great gashes, the results of erosion and alabaster mines old and new.

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对于2006款车型,两个新增加了颜色,皇家蓝珍珠金属银和雪花石膏。For the 2006 model year, two new colors have been added, Royal Blue Pearl and Alabaster Silver Metallic.

特含雪花石膏微粉,轻轻按摩肌肤,深层清洁的同时缩小毛孔。Contain alabaster small pink especially, massage skin gently, short-haired pelt aperture shrinks while depth is clean.

镀铑钻孔耳环方形切割百慕大蓝水晶和白阿拉巴斯特北极光方形切割珠。Rhodium-plated pierced earrings with cubic-cut Bermuda Blue crystal and a White Alabaster Aurora Borealis cubic-cut bead.

有一个女人,拿着一玉瓶极贵的香膏来,趁耶稣坐席的时候,浇在他的头上。There came unto him a woman having an alabaster box of very precious ointment, and poured it on his head, as he sat at meat.

尽管他肤色雪白、发型凌乱,身材瘦高,爱德华·库兰或许仍是迄今为止吸血鬼中最亲切的约会对象。Although he has alabaster skin, unkempt hair and a lanky frame, Edward Cullen might still be the most approachable vampire to date.

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这些香水已有4000年历史,被密封在半透明的雪花石膏小瓶子里。The perfumes were scented with extracts of lavender, bay, rosemary, pine or coriander and kept in tiny translucent alabaster bottles.

灯光投射在雪花石膏石以及真丝织物上,巧夺天工地营造出了最柔和的光线,如坐云端一样有飘逸之感。The light projects onto the alabaster stones and silk fabrics, so softly and dimly that you will feel ethereal as if sitting in clouds.

比如〈圣血〉,〈圣杯〉和〈带着雪花石膏的妇女〉等名字的世俗书籍,传统上评述说她有了性犯罪。Secular books with names such as Holy Blood, Holy Grail and The Woman With the Alabaster Jar expand on traditions that she committed sexual sins.