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另外三分之一与健康相关,有护理、验光和健康经济学。The second is health, including nursing, optometry and food policy.

刘玉华在视光学领域具有雄厚的理论和丰富的临床实践。She has profound theory and rich experience in the field of Optometry.

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在视光学领域具有雄厚的理论和丰富的临床实践。She has profound theory and rich experience in the field of Optometry.

综合验光仪验先并用同视机法测定视功能。To examine visual function with synthetical optometry and synoptophore.

一种原型设备使携带版全套验光服务成为可能A prototype device provides access to full-service optometry in your pocket.

动态验光法又称小瞳保存调节功能验光法。The dynamic optometry is also called small pupil optometry or obvious optometry.

该光学仪器厂的镜片制作,验光准、磨制精。This optical instrument factory makes lens with accurate optometry and fine grinding.

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目的观察角膜地形图仪与散瞳验光测得的散光差异。To evaluate differences on astigmatism in corneal topography and mydriatic optometry.

结论临床验光应科学规范,医学验光首推。Conclusion Clinical optometry should science norm, the medical optometry, the head to push.

我建议你重新验一下光,因为戴的时间久了,眼镜度数会有所改变。I suggest you to make eye optometry again, because eye's power will be changed all the time.

提出了一种客观验光的波前角膜接触镜的设计方法。The design method of wavefront corneal contact lens by the objective optometry is presented.

目的观察近视眼验光中屈光状态的变化。Objective To observe the variation of dioptric state in the process of medicinal optometry to myope.

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如有人聘用你担任视光学专业工作,你能否在过去过去过去过去7天天天天内上任?If someone offered you a job in optometry profession, were you available for work in the past 7 days?

介绍利用激光散斑技术进行验光原理以及利用计算机进行控制处理系统。The principle of optometry of laser speckle cptometer is given, an deal with system of computer is also shown.

结论利用屈光筛查有利于及早检测弱视,而且其灵敏度高于远视力检测。Conclusion Optometry screening can find out amblyopia in early time, and its acuity is higher than eyesight test.

附加的选择性保障可承保更多的治疗,如眼科、听觉、牙科、骨科及语言治疗等等。Select can be added to cover treatment such as optometry , audiology, dental, osteopathy, speech therapy and many more.

目前各类体检中的视力测定基本上依靠人工进行,其准确度和效率都不高。The optometry in physical examinations is conducted manually at present and this method is neither precise nor efficient.

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香港眼科视光师学会是在一九八二年由一班海外毕业生所创办。The Hong Kong Society of Professional Optometrists was established in 1982 by a group of optometry graduates from overseas.

HK是一个给您讨论眼科知识的网页,我们诚意为香港市民提拱一个网上的眼科视光学论坛。Eye. HK is a forum decided to let you to discuss, ask and search some information about eye, vision and optometry in Hong Kong.

其他教学单位包括研究生院、药剂学、眼科视光学和社会工作等研究中心。Other educational institutions including the graduate school, pharmacy, ophthalmology optometry and social work research center.