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你没事吧,瑟琳?You okay, Catherine?

凯瑟琳和她在一起。Catherine is with her.

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我是凯瑟琳•克隆博格。I'm Catherine Cronenberg.

埃及圣凯瑟琳地区。Saint Catherine area, Egypt.

柯瑟琳凝视着这两张面孔。Catherine stared at the faces.

该片由凯瑟琳·泽塔·琼斯主演。It stars Catherine Zeta-Jones.

现在他的妻子是凯瑟琳。And so now his wife is Catherine

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是凯瑟琳・德・包尔夫人。It was Lady Catherine de Bourgh.

凯瑟林能使用普通攻击吗?Q. Can Catherine use Normal Attack?

柯瑟琳心想,他的血都要流光了。He's bleeding out, thought Catherine.

凯瑟琳需要钱——是那样的事吗?Does Catherine need money--is that it?

凯瑟琳脸上绯红,再次否认。Catherine coloured, and disclaimed again.

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凯瑟琳至此可说是冷若冰霜。Catherine had been ice up to this moment.

约翰拒绝停止,激怒凯瑟琳。John refuses to stop, angering Catherine.

不——我是说凯瑟琳,她是那样的人。No--it's what I'm saying about Catherine.

您好!我是俄国的叶卡捷琳娜。Greetings! I am Catherine of the Russians.

凯瑟林能传什么类型的盔甲?。Q. What kind of Armors can Catherine Wear?

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这取决于每个玩家使用凯瑟林的能力。A. It depends on the player using Catherine.

凯瑟琳跑到炉边取暖。Catherine ran to the hearth to warm herself.

格雷斯个子很高,但是凯瑟林个子更高。Grace is tall, but Catherine is still taller.