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她优美地踮起双脚。She pointed her toes daintily.

她优雅地走下台阶。She walked daintily down the steps.

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有的人穿衣很随便,有的人穿衣却是很讲究。Some people wear casually and some people are dressed daintily.

邀请卡是用非常漂亮的白字和金字写成的。The invitation cards were written up daintily in white and gold.

此外,端砚的配盒也十分考究,多以紫檀木、花梨木、红木等制作。The matching boxes are also very daintily chosen, often made of purple sandalwood, and rosewood.

后来,她又用手指轻轻地在色彩斑斓的大理石桌面上滑动着。Then she ran her fingers daintily along the smooth marble top of the many-coloured sicilian table.

艾伦放下了正在刷碗的毛巾,优雅地走到了门口。Ellen dropped her towel that she had been washing the dishes with and walked daintily over to the door.

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这说的就是老北京的另一道美味小吃了,褡裢火烧这道美味出自光绪年间的姚春宣夫妇之手。Here we are discussing is another daintily snack of old Beijing. It came from the Chunxuan Yao's couple in Guangxu year.

然后那头给琼斯先生拉车的傻乎乎的白色母驴莫丽以一种自以为很美妙的姿态走进来,嘴里还不忘嚼一块糖。At the last moment Mollie, the foolish, pretty white mare who drew Mr Jones’s trap, came mincing daintily in, chewing at a lump of sugar.

乌克兰女总理季莫申科素以冷艳决断著称,她对衣着的重视和讲究也是人所共知。Ukraine woman premier Yulia Tymoshenko is always famous as her cold and resolution, and attachment and daintily to cloth is known to all.

讲到这里,玛格丽特从梳妆间走了出来,娇媚地戴着一顶睡帽,帽上缀着一束黄色的缎带,内行人把这种装饰叫做甘兰式缎结。Just then, Marguerite emerged from her dressing-room, daintily wearing a night-cap decorated with bunches of yellow ribbons, known in the trade as cabbage-bows.

产品不仅保留了大枣的主要营养成分,且口感细腻、爽口,风味独特,食用方便。The production not only keeps down Chinese date mostly alimentation nurturance, but also touches greasy, tasty and refreshing daintily , flavor single, edible facility.

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陶瓷制作工艺讲究,坚实耐用,作茶叶储存罐可以更好的保持茶叶的醇香。Benefiting from daintily production technique and stability and durability performance, porcelain pots are good for tea storage. This product adopts special high-grade color ceramic glaze.

特别是对著装有著独特的见解,讲究服装造型,注重服饰风格,更看重服装的面料,色彩,工艺以及实用价值。Especilly , they have a characteristic remarks on attire, daintily about modeling, and pay attention to MOD Style, think more of the fabric, color , arts and crafts and the utilitarian value.