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他精力充沛,很有感召力。He has a lot of energy and charisma.

他的骄傲自大被看作神秘的个人魅力。He had a cockiness that passed for8 charisma.

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忘掉所谓的超凡魅力和精心润色的演讲吧。Forget the charisma and the polished speeches.

每个女人都有她独一无二的魅力商标。Every woman has her own unique brand of charisma.

我们的新教练具有激励球员的魅力。Our new coach has the charisma to inspire the players.

银牙们的一个巨大能力是超凡的个人魅力。One of the Fangs' greatest strengths is personal charisma.

郭晓男被茅威涛台上与台下的双重魅力所吸引。Guo was drawn to Mao by her charisma both on and off stage.

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也许瓦洛伦最大的弱点是缺乏作为领导人的魅力。Perhaps Valorum's greatest flaw was a distinct lack of charisma.

射线造成平均1d8+奥瑞克龙人魅力调整值的伤害。The ray deals damage equal to 1d8 plus aurak's Charisma modifer.

或者是她超凡的魅力迫使那个人游过湖来?Or did her tremendous charisma compel the swimmer across the lake?

他能传达出曼德拉的人格魅力和感召力。He can convey the force of personality, the charm and the charisma.

呃,你有最高的魅力调整值。好吧,试试看。Well, you do have the highest Charisma modifier. OK, give it a shot.

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一个有非凡魅力的人有许多朋友,他的力量在于他的奉献能力。A man of charisma has many friends.His power lies in his ability to give.

教授以自己的人格魅力,成为学生们拥戴的对象。The professor's charisma must speak for itself. All the students love him.

拉加德的个人魅力和名人效应能否帮助她赢得实现其目标所需的支持?Could Ms. Lagarde's charisma and celebrity help her win support for her goals?

欧纳菲将永远实行时尚、优雅、精致、魅力的品牌真谛。Trendiness, elegance, charisma and quality are the true essences of the brand.

他有某种超凡的魅力来激发人们,推动人们做出表现。He had a certain charisma that inspired people and motivated people to perform.

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然而,这位前儿科医生一点都不具备本拉登的非凡的领导魅力。However, the ageing former paediatrician has none of the charisma of Bin Laden.

格瓦拉被罩上的超凡魅力光环似乎与他的粗暴和激情有关。The charisma ascribed to Che seems to be connected to his raw passion and drive.

研究表明,玩闹营造出一种魔力,会让其他人想参与进来。Research shows that playfulness creates a kind of charisma that others want in on.