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老师拖着呛说。Said teacher dragged choke.

接上压井和放喷管线。Connect kill and choke line.

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慢点吃,不然会噎着。Eat slowly, or you'll choke.

要是我被爆米花噎住了呢?。What if I choke on my popcorn?

布丁太多噎死狗。Too much pudding will choke dog.

致命的锁喉练习。They practice deadly choke holds.

你怎没被肉给噎到呢?。Why don't you choke on your Spam?

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布丁太多噎死狗。Too much pudding will choke a dog.

他吃得太快,不小心噎着了。Eat slowly. Be careful not to choke.

小孩子很容易就会被糖果噎住。Children can easily choke on candies.

平均每年有100人被圆珠笔呛死。On average, 100 people choke to death.

平滑扼流圈线圈可以缩小。Smoothing choke coil can be downsized.

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慢慢嚼,我不想看到你噎到。Chew it well. I don't want you to choke.

将压井阀和阻流阀注满海水。Fill kill and choke calves with seawater.

将压井阀和阻流阀注满海水。Fill kill and choke valves with seawater.

我们可能会说噎着成功。We might be said to choke on our success.

他们在最后一局因过分紧张而开始打得不好了。They began to choke up in the last innings.

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宝宝在水中出生,会不会被水呛到?Born under the water, is it possible to choke?

太多的水草可能会使鱼窒息。Too much duckweed is likely to choke the fish.

他的表演令人喷饭。His performance made people choke with laughter.