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低头往下看通常都表示顺从或不好意思。Frequently looking down can indicate submissiveness or embarrassment.

政府权威具有合法性、强制性和服从性的特征。There are some characteristics such as validity, compulsory and submissiveness.

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在这封信保罗国让一个女子学会沉默与所有卑躬屈膝。In this letter Paul states, Let a woman learn in silence with all submissiveness.

保罗在这封信国让女人在沉默中学习与温顺。In this letter Paul states, Let a woman learn in silence with all submissiveness.

这是一种个人对自己心中的圣人的谦卑,顺从和敬仰的表达。It is an expression of the individual's humility, submissiveness and adoration toward the Holy Ones.

既然娜娜跟他生气,他便装出顺从的样子,走到她身边,想知道个究竟。She sulked, and he returned with coaxing submissiveness to the old subject, for he wished to know all about it.

动则目光下垂表示屈从或窘迫,再三的目光旁视可能表示厌烦或嫌恶。Frequently looking down can indicate submissiveness or embarrassment. Looking away repeatedly may express boredom of dislike.

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当他们求职时,公司就要对他们的智力以及是否有既能绝对服从上司又能独立处事的能力进行测试。When they apply for their first job, they are tested for intelligence as well as for the right mixture of submissiveness and independence.

我没研究过哪个族裔顺从性更高,但就我而言,我觉得没有哪个族裔比另一个更顺从或更不顺从。I don't keep track of submissiveness of different ethnic groups, but as far as I can tell, no group is more or less submissive than any other.

因此,漫不经心、略带幽默的耸肩看起来和点头表示顺从有些想象,也好像乌龟把头缩进壳里的动作。The careless, half-humorous shrug thus hears a visual affinity to the nod or bow of submissiveness and also to a turtle's retraction of its head into its shell.

如果你不关心教堂,你依然从教育,从政府规章,从各类社会管理中,被教导顺从,而你一并接受了。If you don't care for Church, you still get a lot of submissiveness in your education, your government rules, your societal controls of all sorts, and you swallow this right up.

首先,新郎引导着新娘的手切开第一块蛋糕,将其作为新娘对新郎顺服的明证。At first, the groom directs the bride's hand to cut the first piece as proof of her submissiveness . The bride then offers the groom the first bite, symbolizing the partaking of her body.

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司法拘束力和司法公信力是司法权威获得普遍服从的两大资源,而司法公信力则是司法权威的核心要素。Judicial sanction and public credibility of the judiciary bring about people's general submissiveness to judicial authority, and public credibility of the judiciary is the key to judicial authority.