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灌篮了。A slam dunk!

盾牌猛击。Shield Slam ftl.

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不要把门关得太响。Don't slam the door.

我听到门砰地响了一声。I heard the door slam.

他跳起来扣篮。He jumped and slam dunk.

我把十只动物一网打尽。Ten animals I slam in a net.

约翰正努力打满小满贯。John 's work on a small slam.

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约翰正努力打满小满贯。John's working on a small slam.

仓里满狠狠地摔下电话。Cang Li Man slam down the phone.

我听见他随手砰地把门关上了。I heard the door slam behind him.

我没有用门猛夹狗儿的头部。I don't slam his head in the door.

你干什么老要把门摔得很响?Why must you always slam the door?

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他砰然一声将书摔在桌上。He threw his books down with a slam.

拒绝一杯咖啡意味着拒绝气花瓣。Slam a coffee then slam the gas petal.

罗礼士能够关上一扇旋转门。Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.

每晚城门都会"砰"地被关上The doors literally slam shut at night.

一会,杰瑞米听到屏风砰地一声被关上。Soon, Jeremy heard the screen door slam.

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这次任务绝不像一次灌篮。The mission was by no means a slam dunk.

5NT是让北家选择一个满贯定约。Five no-trump asked North to pick a slam.

我还有两张飞牌来完成满贯。I still have two finesses' to make my slam.