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唯一的例外似乎就是卢萨卡的争斗。The exception appeared to be the fray in Lusaka.

在卢萨卡,我访问了护理学校的学生。In Lusaka I visited nursing students in their school.

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我过去总和约翰•哈维飞到卢萨卡。I used to fly to Lusaka all the time with John Harvey.

我们来到卢萨卡,在这里庆祝这一特殊场合,感到十分荣幸。It is an honour for us to be here in Lusaka to mark this occasion.

在卢市上飞机时,行李检查非常严格。The baggage check was very strict when we boarded the plane in Lusaka.

最近卢萨卡的脏兮兮的路边市场-索维托市场迎来了一群中国商人,他们把鸡价格压到一半。The recent arrival of Chinese traders in the grimy alleys of Soweto market in Lusaka halved the cost of chicken.

Pelete称有两名矿工被击中后受重伤,已被转移到卢萨卡一家更大的医院接受手术治疗。Pelete said two of the miners with serious bullet wounds had been transferred to a bigger hospital in Lusaka for surgery.

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在尚比亚首都路沙卡的奇帕塔区,「爱国前线」领导者麦克˙萨塔的支持者在抗议时对镜头摆姿势。A supporter of Patriotic Front leader Michael Sata poses for the camera during protests in Chipata, Lusaka October 2, 2006.

我问他是否考虑过向卢萨卡的警察报警,说他目击了一名来赞比亚的美国游客杀人的过程。I asked if he had considered alerting the police in Lusaka that he had witnessed a killing by an American visitor to Zambia.

恩多拉位于赞比亚中北部,卢萨卡北部,扎伊尔边界的一个城市,它在一个采铜区是一个商业和制造中心。人口,250,490。Lusaka on the border with Zaire. It is a commercial and manufacturing center in a copper-mining region. Population, 250, 490.

中国对赞比亚经济的的控制pinnacled在8月,当中国在赞比亚首都卢萨卡开幕的中国银行的一个分支。China's grip on Zambia's economy pinnacled in August when China opened a branch of its Bank of China in Zambia's capital, Lusaka.

年龄不同、职业各异的卢萨卡市民从附近社区赶来,参加一场艾滋病防治知识讲座。Age, occupation of the Lusaka different people came from nearby communities, AIDS prevention knowledge to participate in a seminar.

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恩多拉位于赞比亚中北部,卢萨卡北部,扎伊尔边界的一个城市,它在一个采铜区是一个商业和制造中心。A city of north-central Zambia north of Lusaka on the border with Zaire. It is a commercial and manufacturing center in a copper-mining region.

笔者最近拜访了卢萨卡的国家警察机关总部,在那里见到了负责罪案调查的副总长宾巴•穆索莱。I recently visited the headquarters of the national police in Lusaka where I met Biemba Musole the deputy commissioner in charge of criminal investigations.

恩多拉位于赞比亚中北部,卢萨卡北部,扎伊尔边界的一个城市,它在一个采铜区是一个商业和制造中心。人口,250,490。A city of north-central Zambia north of Lusaka on the border with Zaire. It is a commercial and manufacturing center in a copper-mining region. Population, 250, 490.

Bozer和可口可乐的赞比亚瓶装商和卢萨卡地方公司经理的8月的会议中走出来后几分钟说“非洲大陆射来了曙光”。"There are lights coming on in the continent, " says Bozer, minutes after stepping out of an August meeting with Coke's Zambian bottler and local company executives in Lusaka.