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和屏障。You have an obstacle.

怠惰,与别的阻碍一样。Burnout is an obstacle like any other.

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隐私权法规可能是个障碍。Privacy regulations could be an obstacle.

这是他需要克服的又一个障碍。It was another obstacle he had to go over.

两国缺乏相互信任才是症结所在。The real obstacle is the lack of mutual trust.

我们不能同意“中国是障碍”的说法。We can not accept that "China is an obstacle".

情感障碍主要包括非智力因素。The emotion obstacle includes non-intelligence.

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大多数的成功来源于障碍或者失败。Most success springs from an obstacle or failure.

人浮于事已成为改革的绊脚石。Overstaffing has become the obstacle for reforms.

如果视“骆驼”为“困难”,又当如何?If the "camel"is your "obstacle", what you get is?

军事训练中充满了障碍课程。Military training is filled with obstacle courses.

Eker说,“通往财富之路的最大障碍是恐惧。Says Eker, “The biggest obstacle to wealth is fear.

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因此如何克服通向英语流利程度的最后一道坎呢?So how do you conquer this last obstacle to fluency?

这样的话,当第一个障碍出现时,他们就会放弃。Or, when the first obstacle appears and they give up.

这是一种很难克服,但又完全可以克服的心理障碍。That’s a tough obstacle to overcome, but it can be done.

主要障碍仍然是清除零的进程。The main obstacle remains the process of erasing zeroes.

横跨道路的断木是我们车的障碍。A fallen tree across the road was an obstacle to our car.

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这就是中国篮球最大的障碍所在。Therein lies the biggest obstacle for Chinese basketball.

换句话说,只要努力工作任何障碍都可以被克服。In other words, with hard work any obstacle can be overcome.

想象如果克服了这个障碍,自己会有什么样的感觉。Visualise how you will feel when you overcome this obstacle.