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货币升值有时候对我们的公司没有好处。Upward revaluation of currency is sometimes disbenefit to our company.

资产重估是由董事与输入从合格的估价师进行的。Asset revaluation is carried out by directors with input from qualified valuer.

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他说,重新估价旨在对经济加强控制。He says a revaluation could be aimed attightingtightening control over the economy.

的确,人民币周一创下了自2005年汇改以来最大单日涨幅.Indeed Monday's rise was its biggest in any day since the 2005 landmark revaluation.

随着收益能见度提高,市场对太阳能行业的重新评估会出现上升风险。Upside risk could come from overall sector revaluation based on improved earnings visibility.

发生贬值,增值,公允价值变动是,汇率变动产生汇兑差额。Where there is an impairment , revaluation or other fair value change in a non-monetary item.

指公司对其资产进行重新估价后,而产生的可分配给股东的储备。A reserve attributable to shareholders, produced by revaluation of a company's capital assets.

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然而,一次性重新估价可能会严重打击中国的制造业界。However, a one-off revaluation could deal a severe blow to the country's manufacturing sector.

不像日本那样,中国不会答应立即对人民币进行一次性的重新估值。However, unlike Japan, China will not accede to calls for a sharp one-off revaluation of the renminbi.

因此,大幅提升人民币汇率应是中国反通胀政策一个核心要素。As such, significant exchange rate revaluation should be a central element of its anti-inflation policy.

他补充说,为了避免对中国经济造成干扰,重估人民币将是一个逐步、审慎的过程。He added that it will be a gradual and prudent revaluation to avoid a disruption to the Chinese economy.

他还说,建议政府什么时候,以及怎样调整汇率却是十分鲁莽的。He said that it would be presumptuous to suggest to the government how and when revaluation might occur.

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佩蒂斯说,中国有可能被迫以百分之20的幅度,一次性重新估价人民币币值。Pettis says China may be forced into a one-off revaluation of the yuan, perhaps by as much as 20 percent.

财政部认为之后的重新估价过程步伐过于缓慢,人民币还需要更大幅度的升值。The department said the pace of revaluation has been too slow since and more rapid appreciation is needed.

再度有热钱流入博人民币升值,把港元汇价推高至16个月的新高。A renewed inflow of hot money betting on a yuan revaluation pushed the Hong Kong dollar to a 16-month high.

具有讽刺意义的是,在困难之际,“野蛮的遗迹”的重新估价可以解救美联储以免破产。It is ironic that in troubled times a revaluation of the " barbarous relic" could save the Fed from insolvency.

凡固定资产、递耗资产及无形资产办理重估增值之数皆属之。Increments in equity from revaluation of property, plant and equipment, depletable assets and intangible assets.

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该论点的提出,对于重新评价川东北地区的圈闭构造和拓宽油气勘探的领域具有重要意义。This view is of importance to the revaluation of the trap structures and oil-gas potential in Northeast Sichuan.

他说,中国不会再对人民币币值进行一次性调整。此言与之前温佳宝总理所做的一项声明相呼应。China will not have another one-off revaluation of yuan, he said, echoing an earlier claim by Premier Wen Jiabao.

本文从美国政治角度探讨了人民币升值问题是如何变成一个问题以及该问题的实质。This article discusses how the RMB revaluation has become an issue and discloses its nature in American politics.