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要想越老越好,就追求灵命更高。To get better with age, get spiritually fit.

我可以在精神上营养不良的情况下是健康的吗?Can I behealthy if I am spiritually malnourished?

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灵气是以意念为引导的宇宙生命力能量。Reiki is spiritually guided universal life force energy.

这棵树与伊沃克人便永远灵魂相系。The tree and the Ewok are forever spiritually connected.

第六,我们之间是否存在一种精神上的崇高结合?Sixth, is there a spiritually sanctifying bond between us?

他们既得到了我们的物质上的支持也得到我们精神上的声援。They were supported by us both materially and spiritually.

常常废话使一切人精神上倒胃口。A constant diet of tripe will make anyone spiritually sick.

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他想要你在属灵的生命上成长,活出主耶稣的样式。He wants you to grow up spiritually and become like Christ.

瑜珈信徒在精神上被整个宇宙所围绕。The Yogi is spiritually one with the entire universe around him.

我们以为只要获取到知识就能让人在精神领域成熟。We think that just gaining knowledge makes us spiritually mature.

犹太人认为撒玛利亚人在肉体和灵魂上都是混血。Jews viewed Samaritans as half-breeds, both physically and spiritually.

除非神介入,否则不会有重大的属灵果效发生。Unless God is involved, nothing spiritually significant will take place.

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你是否看见灵命失丧的人无法归家?Do you see people who are spiritually unable to find their way back home?

第二,我认为那不只是,个人的精神枯竭。And No.2, I think that it wasn't just spiritually impoverishing personally.

时代的孔子和孟子的中文是更多精神上更大的成年人。Era of Confucius and Mencius in Chinese is much more spiritually much great adults.

许多人都同现在的你一样挣扎于道德和精神的地界上。Many, many men have been just as troubled morally and spiritually as you are right now.

在这段时间里,冬泳的人们相信来自湖泊河流的水能够洗净他们精神上的罪恶。During this time, followers believe water from lakes and rivers is spiritually cleansing.

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自己没有文凭,好像精神上赤条条的,没有包裹。Without it, it was as if he were spiritually stark naked and had nothing to bundle up in.

中国要像一个巨人一样从尘埃中站起来,属世和属灵方面都如此。God will cause China to shake spiritually. China is like a giant rising up from the ashes.

我想更好了解圣经真道,并盼望着灵命日益进深!I want to understand the bible better and I'm looking forward to growing more spiritually.