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你不可以打赤脚开车。You may not drive barefooted.

我光着脚匆匆跑向窗边。I hurried barefooted to the window.

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欣赏女孩光脚踩水。Enjoying the view of barefooted girls.

我们赤脚爬出碎砖堆。We climbed out of the rubble barefooted.

在贫穷国家的一些孩子们仍然打着赤脚。Some children in poor countries go about barefooted.

他光头赤脚,气喘嘘嘘地冲进我的房间来。He dashed into my room, hatless, barefooted and out of breath.

噢,斯佳丽,我的手下现在都光着脚,而且维吉尼亚的雪很深呀!Oh, Scarlett, my men are barefooted now and the snow in Virginia is deep.

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在C级换鞋间门外脱D级工作鞋,手提D级工作鞋赤脚进入。Remove shoes for Grade D area and carry them into Shoes Change Room barefooted.

六个光着脚的人列队走进学校的图书馆,他们面容凝重。The six barefooted men trooped into the school library, their faces uneasy and downcast.

这次比赛和之前的所有比赛,我都是光着脚跑的,因为那时我还不习惯穿鞋跑步。During this and the previous games I was running barefooted as I was not used to using shoes.

然后赤着脚连同大束的花朵和几壶酒回到我们的小屋,时正差不多十点。Then barefooted with our huge flowers and jugs we went back to the cottage it was now about ten.

这次比赛和之前的所有比赛,我都是光着脚跑的,因为那时我还不习惯穿鞋跑步。I finished no. 6. During this and the previous games I was running barefooted as I was not used to using shoes.

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上世纪70年代,白色的帆船慢悠悠地在水上滑行,光着脚的纤夫迈着沉重的步子走在河边的沙地上。In the 1970s, skiffs with white sails still languidly glided by while barefooted boat trackers trudged along the sandy verges.

当你在回去的路上走到深夜,你敲门投宿的时候,如果有一个人给你开门的时候赤着脚,那个人就是你要寻找的佛。On your way back, when you knock on the door asking for lodging, if someone opens the door for you barefooted , that is the Buddha you're looking for.

比赛时,队员必须脱除鞋子及身上的任何饰物,例如手链、胸针等。若队员配戴眼镜进行比赛,后果自负。All players should be barefooted while playing and should not wear any accessories such as pins, bracelets etc. Players may wear glasses at their own risk.

他一次次满怀希望地敲门,却一次次失望地发现,那些给他开门的人没有一个是赤着脚的。Each time he knocked on the door with great expectation, and each time he left disappointed to find that none of those who opened the door for him was barefooted.

她赤着一双脚,穿一身破烂衣服,仍是那天那么坚定地走进他屋子时的那模样,不过她的破衣又多拖了两个月,洞更大了,烂布片也更脏了。She was barefooted and in rags, as on the day when she had so resolutely entered his chamber, only her rags were two months older now, the holes were larger, the tatters more sordid.

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媚兰把楼下的全部情景,包括那具穿蓝军服倒在血泊中的尸体,他旁边那只针线盒,手里握着长筒手枪,脸色灰白、光脚站在那里的思嘉,通通看得一清二楚。Melanie's eyes took in the scene below in its entirety the sprawling blue-clad body in the red pool the sewing box beside him scarlett barefooted and gray-faced clutching the long pistol.