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他们劝杰克不要冲动,返回反恐组去与家人团聚。They goad Jack to go back inside to be with his family.

他们也可以刺激我们进入战术错误和战略上的失误。They can goad us into tactical errors and strategic blunders.

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他们需要罚款威胁的刺激来使他们采取行动。They needed the goad of threatened fines to make them take action.

自由派正试图促使未来的领导人表明自己的观点。Liberals will try to goad incoming leaders into making their views clear.

教唆、指使他人帮助自己毁灭、伪造证据的,不构成帮助毁灭、伪造证据罪的共犯。It is not a crime to goad or incite others to help himself to damage of forge proofs.

听到这么说,圣·伊西德罗扔下赶牛刺棒,对牛喝叫“吁!”Upon hearing these words, San Ysidro dropped his goad and shouted "Whoa! "to his oxen.

玉珠用激将法说动了振达,振达去向点灯借自行车接人。Jade bead goad to succeed with vibration, vibration pick people up to lend the bike to light.

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安东尼试图刺激屋大维与他一对一地决斗,但没有成功,被迫逃回城中。Antony tries to goad Octavian into single combat, but is finally forced to flee into the city.

而在圣经中,天使们却常常是唆使人们互殴的肌肉发达的壮汉模样。In the Bible, however, angels are muscular bullies who frequently goad humans into fistfights.

国会中的改革者敦促美国联邦贸易委员会等联邦机构采取更有效的行动。Congress has its crusaders seeking to goad federal agencies like the FTC into more-effective action.

家长们常常试图用以往时代的少年英雄人物来激励孩子努力学习。Parents often try to goad their children into studying hard by using the teenager heroes in the past.

为了让其别人心服口服,谢雷震用激将法让安也参与了义卖运动。In order to let the others take orally, XieLeiZhen goad to let Ann was also involved in the sale of sports.

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吉恩·斯珀林也想煽动我尝试一下,但我告诉他,我已经经历过能承受的所有自由落体运动了。Gene Sperling tried to goad me into trying it, but I told him I’d had about all the free falls I could stand.

虽然瑞根先生的朋友们给他取像“被车撞死的动物医生”的绰号取笑他,但他并不孤单,因为有这种特别的追求的人不再少数。While Mr. Ringen’s friends goad him with nicknames like “Doctor Roadkill, ” he is not alone in his peculiar pursuit.

这奖赏就是属天的新生命,是上帝籍着基督耶稣召我去领受的。So I run straight toward the goad in order to win the prize, which is God's call through Christ Jesus to the life above.

它还意味着沙特本已不宽裕的剩余产能被开闸放水,而这也是导致油价高企的另一个原因。It would also mean delving into Saudi Arabia's already thin spare capacity, which has been another goad for upward prices.

它们被放在一个小罐子里,裁判逗弄它们敏感的胡须去激怒它们互相攻击。They were placed in a small pit and a referee irritated their sensitive antennae to goad them into attacking one and another.

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要想成为一名成功的销售员,就需要学会应对拒绝——用平和的心态将其转化为一种激励,那样能够为你创造更多机会。To be successful at sales, you need to be able to cope with rejection -- an even to turn it into a goad that creates more success.

自由派讽刺家感到他们理应棒喝当权人物,但自从小布什归隐德克萨斯,他们就底气不足了。Liberal satirists feel they ought to goad the powerful, but it no longer comes naturally now that George Bush has buzzed back to Texas.

可能不能立即引起我们的兴趣,不过这个维基列出了17万9317来自世界物种记录的分类目录。It might not immediately goad our interest but this wiki lists 179, 317 taxonomic entries sourced from species records in the natural world.