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他的名字是迈达斯。His name was Midas.

他拥有迈达斯的点金术。He has the Midas touch.

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迈达斯国王碰见了一个精灵。King Midas met a genie.

迈达斯这时非常伤心。Midas was now very unhappy.

现在迈达斯国王感到很快乐。Now King Midas was very happy.

迈达斯没有忘记这次教训。Midas never forgot this lesson.

迈达斯走出宫殿,来到了花园。Midas went out into the garden again.

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迈达斯听到这话,高兴极了。Midas was overjoyed when he heard this.

迈达斯走到河边洗了双手。Midas went to the river and washed his hands.

迈达斯国王变得非常富有,但是他不快乐。King Midas became very rich, but he was not happy.

迈德斯看着自己的孩子,他发现了他所干的事。Midas looked at his child. He saw what he had done.

小亚细亚洲的佛里吉亚国里曾有一位声名远扬的迈达斯国王。King Midas was a famous king from Phrygia in Asia Minor.

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在过去几周里,黄金焕发着其点石成金的魅力。During the past couple weeks, gold has had the Midas Touch.

很多人认为如果有点金术会很不错。Many people think it would be nice to have the Midas touch.

迈达斯国王希望自己所碰触的一切都能变成金子。King Midas wished that everything he touched would turn into gold!

迈达斯是传说中弗律癸亚国的国王,他是一个贪得无厌的人。Midas is a legendary king of Phrygia who was insatiably avaricious.

他一穿衣服,衣服也变成了金子。迈达斯心里乐开了花。He began to dress, and his clothes became gold. Midas was delighted.

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迈达斯国王的神话说的是一个能点石成金的人。The fable of King Midas is about a man who could turn things to gold.

冯小刚的金手指已经全面触伸到北美地区。The Midas touch of Feng Xiaogang is reaching all the way to North America.

他们发现了迈德斯所干的一切,他们看到了小女孩,她也成了金的了。They saw what Midas had done. They saw the little girl. She was made of gold.