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男人和女人在餐后解开了他们的腰带。And Man and Woman unfastened their belts following the repast.

去这里就餐的人都是非常多的,感觉非常不错的。To everyone here repast is very much, the feeling is very good.

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这就是遇难的人在这无名的海岸上吃到的第一顿美味。Such was the first repast of the castaways on this unknown coast.

就餐照明用明亮的白炽灯,色感比较柔和。Repast illume uses bright incandescent lamp, lubricious feeling is downier.

这个占地627平方米的室内空间包含就餐区,厨房和厕所。The 627-square-meters interior space contains repast space, kitchen and toilet.

我发现摊开在桌上的冰冷的食物,也显然是昨晚的剩饭剩菜。I found a cold repast spread out, evidently the remnants of last night's dinner.

我简单设宴,正是为了表达我的谢意,也向您解释一下这件事情。I have prepared this simple repast to express my gratitude, and explain this to you.

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大多数的美国人都承认没有什么比得上一顿自家做的餐点。Most Americans will agree namely there's nought meliorate than a good home-cooked repast.

有舒适的自然采光,您可感受放松自己的就餐经历。Have comfortable natural lighting, you can experience the repast experience that loosens your.

因为一旦它们暴露在沙滩上便很容易被鸟儿捕食。Because exposed out on the sand, they’re easy pickings for birds interested in a rodent repast.

马克•麦特森是美国国家老龄研究院的神经学家,他对早餐一向不屑一顾。Mark Mattson, a neuroscientist at the National Institute on Aging, disdains the morning repast.

他们把捉住的兔子带回“花岗石宫”,晚餐的时候,就作为主菜端出来了。This produce of the chase was brought back to Granite House, and figured at the evening repast.

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在百货商厦和大卖场开店中店,吸引逛商店的年轻人就餐。In department stores and big stores open a shop in inn, attract shopping is young people repast.

小老头这时在他那端盘腿坐着,面前放着一罐沙丁鱼作他那可怜巴巴的一餐。The little bum was sitting crosslegged at his end before a pitiful repast of one can of sardines.

用膳前那小流浪汉在他那一端盘腿而坐,可怜的餐食是一小罐沙丁鱼。The little bum was sitting cross-legged at his end before a pitiful repast of one can of sardines.

我们还尝了尝北京有名的小吃,果然名不虚传!We still tasted to taste well-known light repast in Beijing and indeed as expected live up to reputation!

圆桌围座的人员多,就餐方便,气氛幽雅。Round-table surround personnel is much, repast is convenient, atmosphere is quiet and tastefully laid out.

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餐室是平时家人共同进餐或宴请亲友就餐的生活空间。Dining room is at ordinary times family dines jointly or the life space of repast of fete relatives and friends.

就餐注意定时、定量、卫生,注意避免过度油腻、厚味、生冷。Repast notices time, mensurable , sanitation, the attention avoids excessive and fat, thick flavour, raw or cold food.

现在的感思节大餐主菜是火鸡,不过当时清教徒的盛宴上并非如此。Our modern Thanksgiving repast is centered around the turkey, but that certainly was not the case at the pilgrims feasts.