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渴望与爱的人一起去西班牙。Quiero ir a Espana con mi ella.

我和官恩娜,薛凯琪出席香港电台活动!Me, Ella and Fiona hanging out at RTHK!

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杰米打电话通知杰姬是埃利救了他。Jamie call Jackie is ella and saved him.

听听玛尼和艾拉谈论残羹剩饭。Hear Marni and Ella talk about leftovers.

而杰姬觉得是埃利脾气怪。And Jackie think is ella temper blame the.

于是,他问埃拉这到底是怎么回事。He asked Ella what she thought was going on.

请听詹森尝试向艾拉讲解如何变得心灵手巧。Hear Jason try to teach Ella about being crafty.

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艾拉是她朋友的完美音乐搭档。Ella is the perfect musical partner for her friend.

杰姬为本人喝醉后的行为向埃利抱歉。Jackie for I drunk to ella behavior after the sorry.

玛丽亚有非常喜欢的中国男朋友。Maria tiene un amigo chino a quiere ella quiere mucho.

德凡、玛尼和艾拉三人既是同事,又是好友。Devan, Marni and Ella all work together and are friends.

如果她没有来委内瑞拉,可能去了秘鲁。Si ella no hubiera venido a Venezuela, habría ido a Perú.

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艾拉只是想要成为企业家的一代人中的一份子。Ella is part of a new generation of wannabe entrepreneurs.

埃拉倒进化学制剂,然后用力搅动桶里的液体。Ella pours in the chemicals and begins agitating the tank.

观看玛尼和艾拉如何尝试让他说漏嘴的。Watch as Marni and Ella try to get him to spill the beans.

艾拉从来没有抱怨过,她只是勤劳地干着自己的活。Ella never complained about her work and did it diligently.

看看迪文和艾拉是否容易宽恕别人。Find out if Devan and Ella find it easy or hard to forgive.

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埃拉不愿走出朱丽娅的房子。Ella was always reluctant to drag herself out of Julia's house.

我在哪里可以在线看电影免费魔埃勒充分流?Where can I watch Ella Enchanted movie online free full stream?

埃利养好了伤,偷偷地来到杰姬的别墅外。Ella raise good hurt the, stealthily up to Jackie villa outside.