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我以前常常对这样的“讨好”感到厌烦。I used to be upset by these attempts to ingratiate.

可是我这样的性格,实在不讨人喜欢。But my character is really cannot ingratiate others.

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他设法取悦于他的女朋友。He tried to ingratiate himself with his girl friend.

人们利用随大流来讨好其他人。People use conformity to ingratiate themselves with others.

他竭力向王室献媚。He did his best to ingratiate himself with the royal family.

我看得出他正努力讨好他的老板。I can see that he is trying to ingratiate himself with his boss.

她很快就试图使她自己获得新政府的欢心。She quickly sought to ingratiate herself with the new administration.

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社会认可人们利用随大流来讨好其他人。Social approval People use conformity to ingratiate themselves with others.

朋友要讨好自己的,如果你没有,那么你就光荣。Friend wanted to ingratiate themselves with, if you did, then you are honorable.

如何解释这一谦逊调和的情绪——急需迎合而非自大?。What explains this modest and conciliatory mood—the ingratiate ratherthanswagger?

但是,为了讨好“妈妈”宋天荫,这个小家伙强迫自己改吃了枣。But to ingratiate himself with his "mother" Song, the little creature forces himself to eat jujubes instead.

近年来,国产喜剧电影大量使用网络流行语,迎合年轻观众。In recent years, Chinese comedy films have relied on online buzzwords to ingratiate themselves with young audiences.

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为了讨好同学,你很可能会假装自己对很多事物拥有浓厚的兴趣与热诚。You are likely to find yourself feigning interest in and enthusiasm for a lot of things to ingratiate yourself with your peers.

他为了奉迎想将他任命为勤务兵的蒋介石,举报他的军校学员同僚们思想不纯。To ingratiate himself with Chiang, who wanted to use him as a batman, he reported on the ideological purity of his fellow cadets.

急于想着要保护智秀的东白想尽办法讨好庆爱,还与智秀约会时一样和庆爱约会。Eager to protect the wisdom of the east to find ways to ingratiate themselves with love, but also with the wisdom of dating and dating dating.

私下里,有些人竟然恶意中伤,说她施展女性魅力巴结总经理。In private, some even went so far as to fling mud at3 her, saying she tried to ingratiate herself with4 the general manager using her feminine charms.

培训可以促进你展现恰当的肢体语言,很好的迎合你的面试官,培养你的交流技巧和经验。Coaching can encourage you to exhibit the right body language, ingratiate yourself with the interviewer and better communicate your skills and experience.

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低三下四地讨好教授实在是恶心,更何况我们都知道那老头是多么地厌恶和鄙视他。It was sickening to watch young Stevenson trying to ingratiate himself with the professor, knowing as we did how much the old man detested and despised him.

在过去的五年中,反美浪潮在全球正逐渐变得汹涌起来,而中国却逐渐使自己在亚洲、拉丁美洲、非洲受到欢迎,虽然这个过程很艰难。Over the last five years, while anti-Americanism has surged around the globe, Beijing has worked hard to ingratiate itself in Asia, Latin America and Africa.

该赞许的就给与赞许,这不仅会让帮助你的人心里感到高兴,也会给你的老板留下良好印象,从而考虑你的日后晋升。Giving credit where credit is due will not only ingratiate you with9 your benefactors10, but it will impress the bosses into considering you for future promotion.