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不要吃得过多。Don’t overeat.

不要吃得过饱。Do not overeat.

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不要吃得过多或过饱。Don’t overeat or over-full yourself.

但是你并没把吃零食列入计划,所以你会吃得过量。But you don't plan to snack, so you overeat.

如果愿意,他们可以暴饮暴食,增加体重。They can overeat and gainweight if they want to.

得过夸希奥科病的人就不会这样暴饮暴食。Kwashiorkor survivors did not overeat in this way.

不吃早餐往往让你过后吃得过多。And skipping meals tends to make you overeat later.

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一般说来睡觉之前你不能吃得过饱。Generally,you shouldn't overeat yourself before sleeping.

食物可以抑制烦恼,这也是美国人吃得过多的头号原因。Food numbs pain, and it's the No. 1 reason we overeat in America.

只有你不应当吃过量到为地事物为哪增加而竞争。Only thing you should not overeat to compesate for the increased.

你自己觉得正好就行了,不要吃得过饱。Only eat till you are satisfied. Don't overeat or over-full yourself.

如果你不被大脑奉告停止吃,你就会过食。Since you're not being told by the brain to stop eating, you overeat.

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相形之下,传统食品,例如大米,很难食用过量。In contrast, it is actually hard to overeat traditional foods such as rice.

是通过鼓励人们多吃来缓解抑郁或者焦虑吗?By prompting people to overeat to relieve their anxious or depressed states?

他们最大限度的控制自己的饮食习惯,不吃过多食物。NWCR members exert great control over their eating habits, and they rarely overeat.

错过这一机会,在一天的晚些时候提高神经肽Y的水平,就可能吃得过多。Skip this opportunity and escalating NPY levels might lead you to overeat later in the day.

当人们感到压力、孤独、沮丧的时候往往吃得过饱,即“爽心食物”。People often overeat when they're feeling stressed, lonely, and depressed --"comfort foods."

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如果你总是晚间过量进食,试试去看晚场电影,让自己别老想着吃东西。If you always overeat late at night, try going to a latenight movie to get your mind off food.

如果你总是晚间过量进食,试试去看晚场电影,让自己别老想着吃东西。If you always overeat late at night, try going to a late-night movie to get your mind off food.

当老鼠面对各种食物可以自主选择时,它们也会忍不住吃得过多。When mice are faced with many different foods to choose from, they too cannot help but overeat.