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怀恩多特白色小公鸡。A Wyandotte white cockerel.

小公鸡自然是极其自信的。The cockerel is, naturally, cocksure.

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小公鸡自然是极其自傲的。The cockerel is, naturally, cocksure.

波兰无须白冠杜鹃公鸡。A Polish non-bearded, white-crested cuckoo cockerel.

你怎么阻止小公鸡在星期天的早晨啼叫?。How do you stop a cockerel crowing on Sunday morning?

光脚的男人们在用麻袋布搭起的帐篷下打瞌睡,给水站的柱子上拴着一只小公鸡,婴儿的摇篮吊在屋梁上。Barefoot men napping under sackcloth canopies. A cockerel tied to the stilt of a water butt.

为庆祝2017年农历鸡年新年,一个新的智力游戏要求用户在一群母鸡中找出公鸡。To celebrate 2017 being the year of the rooster a new puzzle is asking users to spot the cockerel among a flock of hens.

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你可以当一辈子撒旦信徒也不用知道啥才是五芒星,不用看到除肯德鸡以外的任何死公鸡。You could be one all your life without ever knowing what a pentagram was, without ever seeing a dead cockerel other than as Chicken Marengo.

虽然他不在,他的妻子打开了锅,以展示在特别板球的迅速跳出来,并立即吃了公鸡外面。While he was away, his wife opened the pot to peek at the special cricket that promptly jumped out and was instantly eaten by a cockerel outside.

本研究测定了我国不同来源DDGS的营养成分及部分安全指标,并对不同来源DDGS家禽营养价值进行了评定。This experiment was designed to analyse the nutrient components and some safety indexes of DDGS from different sources in China, and assessed these DDGS nutritional value on adult cockerel.

该公鸡图案是2007-2008年期间在景德镇博物馆的一部分,即为老瓷器厂内手工绘画而成,器形用模具而成并用纸贴固定图案的方法。The "Cockerel design" is manufactured by hand during 2007-2008 at the Old Factory, in the museum part of Jingdezhen area, the plates moulded by hand and the pattern put on with a paper method.

自从横行霸道的大老虎吃了老母鸡的蛋,在肚子里孵出了一只会打鸣儿的小公鸡,又被动物们抬进了动物园,这下可热闹了。Since is domineering and tyrannical the big tiger has eaten the old hen's egg , hatched will crow the cockerel in the belly, also has been brought in by the animals the zoo, then might live it up.