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支付由家庭医生介绍的整骨师的费用。Covers Osteopathy treatment costs on referral from a GP.

各种肾性骨病的发生率已发生变化。Incidence rates of different kinds of renal osteopathy have changed.

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若癌症被发现并治疗的话,狗狗腿部的这种变化,即增生性骨病就会消失。The leg changes — called hypertrophic osteopathy — go away once the cancer is treated.

现在只有整骨疗法和脊椎指压治疗法两种辅助疗法被完全纳入了法律监管范围。Currently, osteopathy and chiropractic are the only alternative treatments fully regulated by law.

非正统医术包括针灸、顺势疗法、整骨术、催眠疗法等治疗方法。Alternative medicine includes treatments such as acupuncture homeopathy osteopathy and hypnotherapy.

骨钙素能否作为肝性骨病的敏感生化指标,尚待进一步研究。So the measurement of bone density may be a sensitive means of detection for the hepatic osteopathy.

骨质疏松症是一种常见的代谢性骨病,其诊断的主要依据为骨密度降低。Osteoporosis is a kind of metabolic osteopathy. The main basis of diagnosis is bone density diminishing.

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整骨疗法是一种特殊的医疗职业,整骨疗师的服务遍布欧洲。Osteopathy is a distinct healthcare profession, with osteopathy providing their services all over Europe.

如果答案是肯定的话!李美云整骨师能为您的病情提供专业建议,让您活得更健康。If your answer is YES, then come along and Osteopath Lee Mei Yin will explain how osteopathy can help you.

法律,脊椎治疗和骨疗法医生必须注册与适当的专业团体。By law, chiropractic and osteopathy practitioners must be registered with the appropriate professional bodies.

目的提高全身骨显像对骨病的诊断准确性和确定诊断率。Objective To rise the accuracy of diagnosis and definite diagnostic rate of osteopathy in whole body bone imaging.

非创伤性股骨头坏死是骨科临床上的常见病、疑难病。Nontraumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head is a common disease in osteopathy clinic which is difficult to be treated.

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前颚骨病是一种常见于西部高地白梗和其他梗类犬的一种遗传病。Craniomandibular osteopathy is a hereditary disease in West Highland White Terriers and also occurs in other terrier breeds.

结果干骺端软骨发育异常是较罕见的全身短管状骨干骺端软骨发育异常导致短肢型侏儒或致残性体质性骨病。Results Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia is a rare osteopathy that would lead to short limb type pygmy or mutilation bone disease.

骨钙素能否作为肝性骨病的敏感生化指标,尚待进一步研究。Further study was needed to investigate whether the level of osteocalcin may work as an effective index for hepatic osteopathy.

一旦被诊断为跟腱炎卡伦尝试各种治疗,包括理疗,针灸,整骨疗法。Once it was diagnosed as Achilles tendonitis Karen tried various treatments including physiotherapy, acupuncture and osteopathy.

肥大性骨病是肺病的继发性疾病,其特征为主干骨外侧增生新的骨骼。Hypertrophic osteopathy is a bone disease secondary to disease in the lungs. It is characterized by new bone formation on the outside of the long bones.

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如果问题在几周内没有解决,病人有时会被给予推拿治疗,如按摩,骨疗或理疗。If the problem is not resolved within several weeks, patients are sometimes offered manipulation therapies including chiropractic, osteopathy or physiotherapy.

本文从肾性骨营养不良主要类型、生化指标和骨活检的意义及肾性骨病的治疗等方面进行阐述。This article expatiated the renal osteopathy from main types of renal osteodystrophy, significance of biochemical index and bone biopsy and treatment of renal osteopathy.

标志的整体形象突出“正骨医院”的“正”字,使医院的形象鲜明突出,独具个性,增强医院的形象识别性。The overall image of prominent signs "Osteopathy hospital" and "is", so that the image was clear and prominent hospitals, unique personality, Enhance the image of identification.