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玫瑰花瓣色拉。Rose-petal salad.

做水果沙拉。Make a fruit salad.

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有的,我们有凉拌鸡。I'd love chicken salad.

你看那个沙推长条桌。Look at that salad bar.

我将做水果沙拉。I'll make a fruit salad.

你喜欢凉拌生菜吗?Do you like tossed salad?

他为儿子调制了一盘色拉。He mixed his son a salad.

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要汤及沙拉吗?。How about soup and salad?

我不喜欢吃火腿色拉。I don't relish ham salad.

她端上了色拉。She dished out the salad.

虾仁色拉也是我们特色菜。Salad is our special, too.

我们做水果沙拉,怎么样?Shall we make fruit salad?

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吐拿鱼或鸡蛋沙拉?快决定!Tuna or egg salad? Decide!

我要做一些水果沙拉。I'll make some fruit salad.

把沙拉酱放在盘子上。Put the salad on the plate.

然后她就调拌沙拉。Then she dressed the salad.

我做了一大盘凯撒色拉。I made a great Caesar salad.

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这色拉有大蒜味。This salad tastes of garlic.

我向你们推荐玫瑰花瓣色拉。I recommend rose-petal salad.

还是我们应该带来一些沙拉?Or shall we bring some salad?