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有病的茎往往溃烂。Blighted stems often canker.

恰像馥郁的玫瑰花心的毛虫。Which like a canker in the fragrant rose.

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因为恶蛆最爱那甜蜜的嫩蕊。For canker vice the sweetest buds doth love.

这个产品很好的发挥作用,让我儿子的口腔溃疡得到缓解。This product worked well to help sooth my son's canker sores.

猕猴桃细菌性溃疡病是猕猴桃的重要病害。Kiwifruit bacterial canker is an serious disease for kiwifruit.

进行了氧氯化铜防治柑桔溃疡病的药效试验。The control effect of copper oxychloride on citrus canker was studied.

如果恶意占据了统治地位,这种植物就会被致命的溃疡完全毁掉。And where the worser is predominant, full soon the canker death eats up that plant.

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目的比较常规治疗与女贞子鲜叶治疗口腔溃疡的疗效。Objective To observe the effect of the treatment using privet trees fresh leaves on canker in mouth.

他们是不一样的疮,溃疡病,这是溃疡发生在软组织的口。They are not the same as canker sores, which are ulcers that occur in the soft tissues of the mouth.

利多卡因也用于喉咙痛和口腔溃疡患者。Lidocaine is also prescribed for people with very sore throats and those with canker sores in the mouth.

杨树水泡型溃疡病分布广泛,严重为害杨树。The blister canker on poplar trunks causd bg Botryosphaeria dothideaarewidely distributed in North China.

盐水漱口将减轻牙痛、口腔溃疡和咽痛。A saltwater gargle will take the bite out of a toothache and ease the pain of canker sores and sore throats.

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鹅口疮,也称作为口腔溃疡,通常出现在口腔内部,在牙龈或是脸颊的内部。Canker sores, also known as aphthous ulcers, generally occur inside the mouth, on the gums or inside of the cheeks.

其在果实上的初期症状与番茄细菌溃疡病相似。The initial symptom caused by the pathogen on tomato fruits was similar to that of tomato bacterial canker lesions.

柑橘溃疡病是柑橘的重要病害之一,为国内外植物检疫对象。The present study focused on the epidemiology of citrus bacterial canker which had happened very common in Guangxi.

图溃疡病是一种细菌,其中进入主干在破损区,造成坏死和环剥和亏损分行。Fig canker is a bacterium which enters the trunk at damaged zones, causing necrosis and girdling and loss of branches.

西瓜果斑病和番茄溃疡病都是我国对内和对外的植物检疫性细菌病害。Bacterial fruit blotch of watermelon and bacterial canker of tomato are both international and national quarantine diseases of China.

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病斑近圆形,周围有黄晕,但不象柑桔溃疡病那样有火山口开裂。The typical symptom appeared as approximately circular spot with a yellow halo, without crateriform symptom as that of citrus canker.

目的进一步了解磺胺嘧啶银霜与金因肽联合外用换药治疗皮肤溃疡的临床疗效。Objective In order to study the clinical curative effect of the Silver Sulfadiazine and the Epidermal growth factor to treat the skin canker.

树木溃疡病是一类危害严重的枝干病害,病原种类多,寄主范围广,症状复杂。Tree canker is a kind of most serious tree trunk disease which have a various of pathogens, a wide distribution of host and complex symptoms.