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我是你的儿子!I am thy son!

把你的头发垂下来。Let down thy hair.

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将你的儿子带到这里来吧。Bring thy son hither.

让我将你的眼淚擦乾。Brush thy tears away.

愿人都尊你的名为圣。Hallowed be thy name.

伊奥迦南,我要吻你的嘴唇。I will kiss thy mouth.

我怕你这双枯瘦的手!I fear thy skinny hand!

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把你的头发垂下来。Let down thy hair to me.

你的丽叶在花床上。Thy leaves over the bed.

而我也是你的小珠儿了!And I am thy little Pearl!

他们全不理会你的悲伤。Careless of thy sorrowing.

上帝保佑你那钻石样的眼睛!God bless thy diment eyes!

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你的斧头别伤了它!Thy axe shall harm it not!

你的斧子别伤著它。Thy axe shall hurt it not.

装饰着你不可思议的形相。To deck Thy wondrous form.

在万国之神的脚下。God of nations at Thy feet.

昊天上帝、则我不虞。God, from Thy great heaven.

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爱你的邻居就是爱你自己。Love thy neighbors thyself.

再一次你的荣冠被确定。Once more thy crown is set.

叫我在祢的道中生活。Quicken thou me in thy way.