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我很正直。I have integrity.

这女孩儿不诚实。This girl has no Integrity.

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如何检查数据完整性?How to check data integrity?

公平对待和廉洁自律。Fair treatment and integrity.

他们有荣誉心而且很正直。They have honor and integrity.

但他勇敢.正直.聪明。But he brave. Integrity. Smart.

我敢担保他的为人。I will swear for his integrity.

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单樘防火玻璃面积应不大于2。Integrity and Insulation Glass 2.

高度诚实和正直You want people of high integrity.

他的朋友们担保说他为人廉正。His friends swore him to integrity.

小天是个正直的、有原则的人。Albert has integrity and principles.

他为人正直,大家都尊敬他。All respected him for his integrity.

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人们都赞赏他的品格。People all appreciate his integrity.

作一个数据完整性的乐天派Being an optimist about data integrity

操舵装置无缺性检查。Inspecting integrity of steering gear.

梅休是一个正直可靠的男人。Mayhew is a man of rock-solid integrity.

当你交友时,朋友考验你的义气。With friends, they tested your integrity.

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为中国军人的节操祷告。Pray for integrity in Chinas armed forces.

以截住我们诚正与庄重的旗帜To catch our flag of integrity and decency

你缺乏忠诚,不老实,也没同情心。You lack loyalty , integrity and compassion.