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我也在建造墓地。I constructed Necropolis.

纳克萨玛斯墓地是漂浮在斯坦索姆城市上空的。The Necropolis floats above the city of Stratholme.

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大墓地的建造时间由120秒降低至100秒。Reduced the build time of the Necropolis from 120 to 100.

就在这个时候,他们发现了公元二世纪时的墓地。It was then that they discovered the second century necropolis.

这批土墩墓的发掘具有重要的学术意义。The excavation of the necropolis has prominent academic meanings.

埃瓦赞在遥远可怕的墓地星设立实验室。Evazan set up shop on the distant and macabre world of Necropolis.

一个小线索使我的盗尸者的城市,他们所谓的地点墓地。A small clue led me to the city of the ghouls, the place they called Necropolis.

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他们一直坐在他们自己的王位上的33世纪的底比斯墓地。They have been seated on their thrones for 33 centuries at the Necropolis of Thebes.

在我这样,我采取了迂回和墓地停止才能看到一些老朋友。On my way, I took a detour and stopped by Necropolis in order to see some old friends.

阿拜多斯墓地是古埃及前王朝、早王朝墓葬地之一。Abydos cemetery is one of the predynastic and early-dynastic necropolis in ancient Egypt.

飞龙墓碑是亡灵发展的巅峰,是奋斗的终极目标。Dragon Tombstone is the crown of Necropolis development, the ultimate goal to strive for.

大墓地意志不再使你得到精准,现在变为降低反魔法护罩的冷却时间。Will of the Necropolis no longer grants expertise and now lowers Anti-Magic Shell cooldown.

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这件古老的证物证明了伯多禄的遗体就在这个墓地。It was an ancient graffiti providing evidence of the presence of Peter's body in the necropolis.

最大的三座金字塔位于埃及的吉萨墓地地区,其中包括胡夫金字塔。The largest of the three pyramids in the Giza Necropolis in Egypt, the Pyramid of Khufu is awesome.

有关专家还表示,这个墓地埋葬的都是一些地位较高的人物——如战士和古代的牧师等。Experts have said the necropolis was destined for high-ranking personalities — such as warriors and ancient priests.

他的金字塔前卧着谜一样的斯芬克斯像,这座石灰石像长着法老的头颅和雄狮的身躯。His necropolis also included the Sphinx, a mysterious limestone monument with the body of a lion and a pharaoh's head.

纳克萨玛斯墓地是克尔苏撒德邪恶的居所,他在此掌管着天灾的行动同时能得到主人的命令。The necropolis Naxxramas is the seat of KelThuzads evil, from which he oversees the Scourge and heeds his lords command.

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这些护卫的主要任务便是警告那些在黄昏后仍在墓地众逗留的家伙和保护墓地免受盗墓者的骚扰。These guards' primary duty is to warn people not to stay in the Necropolis after nightfall and to watch for grave robbers.

古老的孟菲斯大墓地和世界上最大的金字塔——胡夫金字塔以及其它众多金字塔,位于吉萨棉沙漠。The ancient necropolis of Memphis and the Pyramids, including the Great Pyramid of Khufu, is located in the desert at Giza.

比如说,你会很乐意看见吸血鬼之血和大墓地的意志依旧存在,而且白骨护盾也会被从邪恶天赋移动过来。For example, you will likely see Vampiric Blood and Will of the Necropolis remain, while Bone Shield will move over from Unholy.