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它被称为髓磷脂。It’s called myelin.

髓磷脂在此标本中呈网状外观。The myelin has a netlike appearance in such preparations.

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髓磷脂是一种防护物质,它开始覆盖在脊柱的表面。Myelin a protective substance is beginning to coat the spinal column.

在小队员们继续上课的时候,我发现了我自己的髓磷脂。As the Little Group continued its lesson, I found myself picturing myelin.

脑活检显示有严重的髓鞘损伤问题是为什么会这样?Brain biopsy revealed severe damage to the myelin sheath. Question is, why?

髓鞘将轴突包裹起来,实际上形成了一个绝缘层Surrounding the axon is a myelin sheath, which is actually just insulation.

组髓鞘及尼氏体病变明显减轻。The neuropathies in myelin sheath and Nissl body were markedly attenuated in group K.

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所有人都同意医学干涉毁掉了许多脊髓鞘——它们将许多神经纤维包裹在内。Everyone agrees that MS destroys the fatty myelin sheath that enwraps many nerve fibers.

PML有髓鞘丢失、相关的巨噬细胞以及血管周围炎症细胞。PML lesions have myelin loss, associated macrophages, even the perivascular inflammation.

前根及坐骨神经的变化,表现为轴索变性及继发的髓鞘改变。Ventral root and sciatic nerve showed axonal degeneration and secondary changes of myelin.

应用透射电镜对各组大鼠VTA的髓鞘进行观察。The electron microscope was used to study the histomorphologic changes of myelin sheath in VTA.

当髓磷脂受损,就使大脑向身体其他部位的信息传输中断。When myelin is damaged, that interrupts the brain's messaging system to other parts of the body.

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在多发性硬化症,有片状的损失和疤痕本髓鞘硬化手段的伤疤。In multiple sclerosis, there is patchy loss and scarring of this myelin sheath Sclerosis means scars.

髓磷脂越厚,其绝缘性就越好。信号就传递得更快、更精确。The thicker the myelin gets, the better it insulates and the faster and more accurately the signals travel.

白质主要由神经元周围的脂肪髓鞘组成,揭示了大脑的连接。This is largely composed of the fatty myelin sheaths around neurons and so reveals the brain's connections.

这让我们感到很惊奇,因为雪旺细胞的作用实际上是用来产生这种蛋白的。"This surprised us, " says Aguzzi, "since Schwann cells actually do the job of manufacturing fresh myelin."

连结在被一步步裁剪的过程中,一种叫髓磷脂的绝缘物质覆盖住神经键,起保护作用。As the connections are trimmed down, an insulating substance called myelin coats the synapses to protect them.

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呈现超兴奋性与髓鞘板层开离及与使神经兴奋性增强的离子浓度增加有关。Over-excitatory and separation of myelin sheath make the amount of ions that increase the excitatory of nerve.

我们在许多病例的治疗中看到的是,髓鞘的这种生长和发育可能被中断。What we see with a number of our treatments is that that growth and development of myelin can get interrupted.

随着髓鞘的生长,它变得越来越厚,神经元中的电信号就能传播得越来越快。And as myelin grows, the thicker it gets, the faster the electrical messages on the nerve cells are able to move.