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认为“东突”势力的基地在哪里?Where do you believe the East Turkistan forces are based?

那么这些“东突”恐怖分子回流与拉登被击毙有关吗?So the "East Turkistan" terrorists with Osama bin Laden was killed back on it?

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现代泛突厥主义理论所制造的“东突厥斯坦”问题没有历史依据。The issues of the East Turkistan created by the modern pan-turkisism is quite falsehood.

双方还重申了坚决打击东突恐怖分子的一致立场。Both Karzai and Tang reiterated their common stance on fighting against East Turkistan terrorists.

另外,中方采取了哪些措施逮捕“东突”头目?Besides, what measures has China adopted to apprehend the heads of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement?

东突恐怖势力也严重威胁着中国和中亚地区的稳定与安全。The East Turkistan terrorist forces pose grave threats to stability and security in China and Central Asia.

研究“东交厥斯坦”问题是中国学者研究泛交厥主义的必然归宿。The research about Pan-Turkism by Chinese scholars will inevitably result in the study about "Eastern Turkistan".

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后来,他在塔利班控制的巴基斯坦部落地区重建突厥伊斯坦党训练营。He later reestablished camps for the Turkistan Islamic Party in Pakistan's lawless, Taliban-controlled tribal areas.

访问期间,中方是否会跟他讨论巴基斯坦一些团体支持“东突”分裂势力的问题?During the visit, will China discuss the issue of some Pakistani groups supporting the "East Turkistan" separatist forces?

我们希望这方面的合作进一步加强,无论在中国境内还是境外的“东突”势力,都应一律依法予以严厉打击。We hope to further cement cooperation in cracking down upon East Turkistan forces both at home and abroad according to law.

“东突”恐怖势力目前主要有欧美、中亚、中东三个活动中心,迄今并没有产生一个真正的领导核心。East Turkistan" terrorists have three Euro-American, Middle-Asian and Middle-east activity centers, without a leading core."

打击“东突”恐怖势力是国际反恐斗争的重要组成部分。The fight against the East Turkistan terrorist forces takes up an important part of the international counter-terrorism campaign.

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塔方表示强烈谴责“东突”恐怖势力,坚决支持中方予以打击。The Tajik side reiterated that it strongly condemned East Turkistan terrorist forces and supported china's policy on this question.

“东突”恐怖分子还倡狂地袭击员警和政府机关,并在一些城市制造了一系列投毒、纵火案。The "east turkistan" terrorists also furiously attacked police and government institutions and committed crimes of poison and arson in some cities.

“东突”恐怖分子还猖狂地袭击警察和政府机关,并在一些城市制造了一系列投毒、纵火案。The "East Turkistan" terrorists also furiously attacked police and government institutions, and committed crimes of poison and arson in some cities.

我们希望中土双方更密切地合作,共同防止“东突”恐怖分子给中土关系造成损害。We hope that China and Turkey will cooperate more closely and jointly prevent any damage inflicted by "Eastern Turkistan" on China-Turkey relations.

温家宝强调,共同打击包括“东突”在内的三股势力,是中吉安全合作的主要内容。Wen stressed that jointly combating the three forces, which include forces for "Eastern Turkistan", is an important part of China-Kyrgyz cooperation.

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在巴基斯坦部落地区,突厥伊斯坦党与“乌伊运”分支伊斯兰圣战组织并肩作战。The Turkistan Islamic Party is known to operate in the Mir Ali region along with the Islamic Jihad Group, an offshoot of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan.

从二十世纪初至四十年代末,“东突”势力在外国敌对势力的怂恿、支持下,多次制造动乱。From the early 20th century to the late 1940s, the "East Turkistan" forces created many disturbances with the connivance and support of hostile foreign forces.

打击包括“东突”在内的恐怖主义,是国际社会特别是本地区有关国家的共识。Cracking down upon terrorism including the East Turkistan Islamic Movement is a consensus reached among the international community, especially regional countries.