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化铁炉有多大?。How large is your cupola?

我从钟的顶端爬出,那是一个圆顶的顶篷。I pop up the top, and there's a cupola.

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拥有冲天炉、电炉、行车等设备。Cupola owned, electric furnace, traffic and other equipment.

第1门炮的炮手在瞄准镜里看到了坦克指挥塔。The gunner from 1st gun can now see the cupola in his sight.

太阳将这些镀金的圆屋顶变成了闪耀的光点。The sun transform the gild cupola into dazzling point of light.

介绍了冲天炉加料自动控制系统。The automatic control system of the cupola feeding is introduced.

“炮塔”观测台将使得宇航员可以同时看到这两种景象,而这种体验在以前是一种奢望。The cupola will allow astronauts the luxury of both views at once.

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酒吧镜子这立方米以下的冲天炉,三面的座位。The bar mirrors this cubic cupola below, with seating on three sides.

网形图是指导冲天炉熔炼操作的重要工具。Copula net diagram is an important tool for guiding the cupola operation.

不过车长指挥塔变小了,前部变厚了。All the while the commander's cupola is smaller and the front became thicker.

冲天炉至今仍是铸铁生产最主要的熔炼设备。Cupola is the most inportant melting equipment for production cast iron up to now.

击沉驱逐舰后,一名坦克乘员在炮塔上的指挥塔上画上了一艘驱逐舰。After the sinking, one of the crews drew a destroyer on the tank commander's cupola.

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忽然第1门炮的炮手发现了一个从地上冒出的坦克指挥塔。Finally a cupola can be seen rising from the ground by the gunners from the 1st gun.

介绍冲天炉熔化常见故障的种类,产生原因以及排除方法。Common failure types in cupola melting, their reasons and removal methods was described.

栗树开花,钟声清晰地高高飘过山墙和圆屋顶。The chestnut was in flower and the bells rang out high clear over her gables and cupola.

介绍了国内外冲天炉熔炼控制技术的发展状况。This article introduces the development of cupola melting technology at home and abroad.

对冲天炉的烟气特点、烟气净化标准和净化措施等作了概述。The properties of cupola fume, fume cleaning standard and cleaning measures was summarized.

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圆屋顶的拱肋为胶合层压木拱构件,球体结构的拱肋为金属格子梁。The cupola ribs are glue-laminated wooden arches, the globe's ribs are a metal lattice girder.

介绍长龄水冷冲天炉的结构及工作原理,分析风眼漏水和炉体挂渣的原因。The construction and operation principle of a long melting life water-cooled cupola was described.

从热力学角度分析了在冲天炉内熔炼铸铁切屑的可行性。Based on thermodynamics principle, the feasibility for melting iron borings in cupola was ana lysed.