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我爹在挖土。My father, digging.

于是我开始挖掘真相。So I began digging around.

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不要在后院掘地。No digging in the backyard.

这泥土需翻松。The earth wants digging up.

他正在花园里挖地。He is digging in his garden.

他们在钻研物理学。They are digging at physics.

她钻研数学。She is digging at mathematics.

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她正在园子里掘土。She was digging in her garden.

他们在刨白薯。They are digging sweet potatoes.

在烈日下掘土的工作使人感到口渴。It's dry work digging in the sun.

她显然是在挖苦他。She was obviously digging at him.

爸爸在地面上挖了一个洞。Dad is digging a hole in the ground.

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他们在挖灌溉渠。They are digging irrigation ditches.

我们用耙子翻地。We use forks for digging the ground.

他为建一个新花园而垦地。He is digging up land for a new garden.

为了建造城市,我们挖山掘地。In order to build cities, we dig digging.

他们的丈夫正在附近挖一口井。Their husbands were digging a well nearby.

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他们花了整个上午挖园子。They spent all morning digging the garden.

他们正在穿山挖一条隧道。They are digging a tunnel through the hill.

两个肮里肮脏的小男孩在那正挖着什么。The two grubby small boys are digging there.