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这是在谋杀我。It's killing me.

你会弄死我的!You’re killing me!

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你笑死我了。You are killing me.

还有那杀人的雪。And the killing snows.

就是些像杀死了一条龙之类的事件而已。Like killing a dragon.

我们挤垮了法国。We were killing France.

你真是笑死我了。You're really killing me.

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杀吸血鬼是除害。Killing vampires is clean.

我的背痛我折磨死了。My backache is killing me.

我的腿疼死了。My leg is just killing me.

并带走了我的安娜贝尔。李。And killing my Annabel Lee.

冻杀了我的安娜贝李。And killing my Annable Lee.

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我当时正忙着杀龙呢。I was busy killing dragons.

他几乎杀了她。He came near to killing her.

杀死动物只是一个开始。Killing is just the kickoff.

我头快痛死了。This headache is killing me.

这活可真要命。This work is really killing.

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就是这个杀了这麽多鱼?。Is that what killing the fish?

他们都喜欢杀生。They actually enjoyed killing.

使他不赞成任何杀戮。He apprehends no killing frown.