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此项研究是在内分泌学会研讨会上报告的。The study was presented at a Society for Endocrinology conference.

贝勒临床内分泌学与新陈代谢最佳实践。Bailliere's Best Practice in Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.

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我虽然还没有获得第一证书,但我却对内分泌学很感兴趣。I haven't got my first degree yet but I'm very interested in endocrinology.

贝勒临床内分泌学与新陈代谢最佳实践与研究。Bailliere's Best Practice & Research in Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.

这些研究结果轰动内分泌学界,引起新一波研究热潮。These findings shocked the endocrinology community and set off a new wave of research.

今年会议的主题是“临床护理中的内分泌学研究转换”。The theme of this year Conference is "Translating endocrinology research into clinical care".

首先我要说的是我对中国妇科内分泌学医生的专业知识掌握程度感到惊讶。First of all, I am really impressed about the knowledge in the field of gynecological endocrinology.

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会议由东南亚国家联盟内分泌学会议和越南糖尿病和内分泌学协会组织。The Conference will be organized by the AFES and Vietnamese Association of Diabetes and Endocrinology.

最近取得的生殖内分秘研究成果,主要是由于放射免疫分析的进展。Recent advances in reproductive endocrinology are primarily due to the development of radioimmunoassay.

能有机会结交妇产科学和内分泌学的中国同僚,我喜不自胜。I was very happy to be here with Chinese colleagues working in our field of gynecology and endocrinology.

这项研究这周被在线公布,出版在十二月份的内分泌学杂志上。The study was published this week online and it will appear in the December issue of the journal Endocrinology.

特里威尔金,内分泌和代谢教授在普利茅斯半岛医学院,认为我们有。Terry Wilkin, professor of endocrinology and metabolism at the Peninsula Medical School in Plymouth, argues that we have.

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他是丹麦奥登塞大学的内分泌学科的副教授,从事上述激素和它们的功能的研究。He is an associate professor of endocrinology at Odense University in Denmark and has studied these hormones and their functions.

卵母细胞冻存,也称卵子冷冻,现在已经成为生殖内分泌学和不育这一专业领域的现实。Oocyte cryopreservation, also known as egg freezing, is now a reality in the specialty of reproductive endocrinology and infertility.

还有可能是针灸的内分泌学机理,针灸可能会对通向脑垂体和内分泌控制中枢的神经产生影响。And it "could be the endocrinology of it, how it impacts neuropathways back to pituitary glands and endocrine control centers of the brain, " he says.

但情况对我来说清楚得很,内分泌学这一领域需要分子生物学的输入,靠碾磨来制造出蛋白质纯化物的过程实在是太缓慢了。But it became clear to me that the field of endocrinology needed molecular biology input. The process of grinding out protein purifications is just too slow.

他曾以著者或合著者的身份发表关于糖尿病、分泌学的不同方面的文章和论文200余篇。He has been the author or co-author of approximately200 papers and articles, the majority of which focusing on different aspects of diabetes and endocrinology.

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“依拉鲁肽的药效大约是格列美脲的两倍并几乎没有低血糖持续的副作用,”Garber博士告诉医学观察的糖尿病及内分泌学板块。"Liraglutide has roughly double the efficacy of glimepiride and it is virtually free of hypoglycemic episodes, " Dr. Garber told Medscape Diabetes & Endocrinology.

这些研究结果旨在丰富爬行类生殖生物学和生殖内分泌学的内容,并为乌梢蛇的繁殖、保护与利用等提供基础资料。These results can enrich the content of procreation and endocrinology of reptile, and give the basic materials of procreating, protecting and using of Zaocys dhumnades.

维恩所属的夏洛特生殖内分泌学联合诊所称,成功为这对夫妻传宗接代的精子已经创下了冷冻时间的最长记录。Wing's clinic, Reproductive Endocrinology Associates of Charlotte, said the couple have set a record for the longest-frozen sperm used successfully to conceive a child.