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他很有体育道德。He has good sportsmanship.

它是体育精神的所有部分。It's all part of sportsmanship.

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爱丽斯被指责违反这条不成文法。The unwritten laws of good sportsmanship.

帕蒂心里明白,这算不得她作为运动员的光辉时刻。Patty was aware that this was not her finest hour of sportsmanship.

他告诉夏恩他们要来学学何谓良好的运动家精神。He told Shane that they were going to learn about good sportsmanship.

无论是在技术方面,还是在设计、运动水平方面,要想取得成功,好的车手和好的厂家是成功的关键。These are key values for success in technology, design and sportsmanship.

她是个模范运动员,认真竞赛同时始终保持良好的体育道德。She is a model athlete who plays hard but always shows good sportsmanship.

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赛前服用药物被视为作弊,且违背运动精神。Taking drugs before the Games isconsidered cheating and against sportsmanship.

“我想这种体育精神和在运动场上亲如兄弟的精神是了不起的,”罗格感叹。"I think this kind of sportsmanship and brotherhood is really remarkable," he said.

我认为他们在比赛结束后嘲笑我们的球员有失体育道德。I think they showed poor sportsmanship at the end of the game by taunting our players.

布什总统说,美国队的才华、优雅和运动美德让世界刮目相看。President Bush said Team USA amazed the world with its talent, grace and sportsmanship.

当达利斯走回场外长凳时,约翰特尔和他的球友们都站了起来,为达利斯展现的运动精神鼓掌喝彩。They stood and applauded the gesture of sportsmanship as Darius made his way back to his bench.

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会员之间的体育精神和同志情谊让外籍球员有宾至如归的感觉。The sportsmanship and camaraderie among members makes even the best foreign players feel at home.

也祝每个人拥有这种欣欣向荣的体育精神来接受新一年的重任和挑战!We sincerely hope your sportsmanship can help you shoulder new obligations and take new challenges.

在摔角赛,体育精神就是不采用利尿药剂、桑拿浴和塑料衣服来增加重量。In wrestling, sportsmanship is making weight without the use of diuretics, saunas and plastic suits.

运动员精神的意思是指一种正当的精神。那是一个人参加任何运动或比赛所应有的。Sportsmanship means the right kind of spirit a man should have when he takes part in any sport or game.

然而,不管他因何而输,输后行为表现欠佳都是令人难以接受的。However, no matter what the reason for his loss, poor sportsmanship is never an acceptable trait in a man.

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乔丹在名人堂上的演讲被耻笑成孩子气,报复性,缺乏体育道德。Jordan's Hall of Fame speech has been derided as being childish, vindictive, and a show of poor sportsmanship.

而对运动员来说,严厉的自律以及对队友们的友谊也是运动的乐趣。For the players, the joys of sportsmanship can include punishing self-discipline and the friendship of teammates.

确实有的足球明星只为钱踢球,并愿做违背运动员风度的事情。It is really true that some soccer stars play for money only and are ready to do something against sportsmanship.