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酸洗剂帮助染料粘附在素材上。A mordant helps fix the dye to the material.

一种叫做媒染的方法被用在染色过程中。A solution called a mordant is used in the dyeing process.

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作为橡胶胶凝剂,皮革和棉织品媒染剂等。As rubber gelatinizer, leather and cotton fabric mordant and so on.

染色的过程中要用到一种被称为媒染剂的溶液。A solution called a modernt mordant is used in the dying dyeing process.

媒染剂的化学成份会不会造成环境污染?Will the chemical compositions of mordant cause the environmental pollution?

采用盐酸做预处理,并采用阿白格B参与媒介染料染色的染色工艺。By pretreatment with hydrochloric acid and use of Albegal B in mordant dyeing.

探讨了山矾作为媒染剂参与的染黄和染黝工艺。It discusses Symplocos caudata as a mordant was used in Yellow dyeing and You dyeing.

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我是一个话语尖酸刻薄的女子,我习惯了给人不留余地。I am a discourse mordant woman, I used to give a person leave no room for negotiation.

与媒介染料相比,用活性染料对拉细羊毛染色可获得更好的效果。Reactive dyes exhibited better dyeing properties than mordant dyes on attenuated wool.

叙述者们都尖酸刻薄地蔑视一切人和事,包括他们自己。The narrators have a mordant contempt for everyone and everything, including themselves.

一种可以将染色固定到细胞、组织或纺织品及其它材料上的试剂,如鞣酸。Mordant A reagent, such as tannic acid, that fixes dyes to cells, tissues, or textiles or other materials.

用于玻璃镂刻,提取稀有元素以及用作防腐剂和媒染剂。The product can be used for glass frosting or extracting rare elements and used as a preservative or a mordant.

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用作医药收敛剂、醋酸乙烯、聚乙烯醇生产用催化剂,印染工业作媒染剂,及弱防腐剂等。Used in activator in Vinyl acetate, a mordant in painting and dying, antiseptic and astringent in medical and etc.

以紫甘蓝色素为染料,用直接法、媒染法对蚕丝纤维进行了染色试验。As a dye, violet cabbage pigment was used in mulberry silk fabric dyeing experiments by direct and mordant methods.

红色毛织品采用了媒染、复染工艺,绿色毛织品由蓝色与黄色套染而成。Red woollen were of mordant dye or repetitious dye. And green woollen were chromatically dyed by blue and yellow color.

这与染色试验中不同金属离子媒染后染色织物颜色发生变化的结果是一致的。All the above are accordant with the results of the change of the fabrics in color after mordant dyeing in the experiments.

研究在葡萄糖作为共代谢基质时酸性媒介黑T,派拉丁兰RRN的降解情况。The degradation states of Acid Complex Black T and Mordant Blue RRN were studied in this paper with glucose as cometabolism substrate.

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进一步的研究表明,红色毛织品是用铝盐作媒染剂染色而成,铝盐含量与毛织品的色度呈相关性。Further study shows that red woollen were using aluminum salt as mordant. The content of aluminum salt is relevant to the chroma of woollen.

本文分别以金属盐和有机酸为媒染剂,研究了天然染料高粱红对羊皮的预媒、后媒法染色性能。The mordant dyeing properties of leather dyed with sorghum red natural dye using pre-mordant and post-mordant method are studied in the paper.

分别以金属盐和有机酸为媒染剂,研究了天然染料高粱红对柞丝绸的预媒、后媒法染色性能。The mordant dyeing properties of tussah silk dyed with natural dye sorghum red using pre-mordant and post-mordant method were studied in the paper.