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疲惫的心灵也需要片刻的停歇Effete heart needs a moment rest

卡尔扎伊是一个弱势的总统。Karzai is an "effete" President.

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人们说贵族阶级已是日薄西山了。People said the aristocracy was effete.

你知道有多少卷发的老马屁精。Do you know how manycurly-haired, effete sycophants.

第三部分是关于债权代位权的实行效果。The third part discusses the effete of exercising subrogation.

很多人都在说,“我们已经厌倦了这毫无生气的文化。A lot of people are saying, "Enough of this kind of effete culture.

在中世纪期间,希腊文明开始衰落直至衰败。During the middle ages, Greek civilization declined and became effete.

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中世纪,古希腊文明开始衰落,一蹶不振。During the middle ages, Greek civilization declined and became effete.

而发笑。这幅图像的诗人,作为一个没落的年轻人女性不特征在这个神话!This image of the poet as an effete young man women do not feature in this myth!

你知道有多少卷发的老马屁精在等待机会取代你吗?Do you know how many curly-haired, effete sycophants there are waiting to replace you?

但系统锚杆在土质隧道支护结构中有无作用一直存在争论。However, there has been debate on the effete of system rockbolts for soil tunnel structure.

同时民主党人也在攻击一些白人的颓废,到处漂泊和屈尊俯就。The Democrats, meanwhile, strike some white men as effete , cosmopolitan and condescending.

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目前,该系统现已投入实际工作应用,对提高网络信息的控制能力起到了一定的作用。At present the system has been put into practical use and has a good effete on information control.

仿真实验证明算法有较好的自适应性和良好的边缘识别性能。Emulate experiments demonstrate good adaptability and edge recognition effete ness of the algorithm.

目的评价油压脉冲式球囊扩张法对上消化道管腔狭窄的疗效。To evaluate the effete of treatment of stenosis in upper digestive tract by using oil-pumped and pulse bladder expanding.

许多年来的建筑总是落后于学术的进步,还是延续那种颓废的,装饰华丽的哥特式风格。For many years architecture, however, lagged far behind scholarship. Buildings continued to be put up in an effete , decorative Gothic style.

我的助手是滋润这干燥泥土的露水和雨点。而泥土本身又含有何等的肥料,虽说其中有大部分土地是贫瘠和枯竭的。My auxiliaries are the dews and rains which water this dry soil, and what fertility is in the soil itself, which for the most part is lean and effete.

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现在的绘画队伍空前壮大,而一种艺术的普及与提高是相辅相成的,我们怎能说它是一门没落的艺术呢?Now of painting, and unprecedented expansion team to an art popularization and enhancement of complement each other, how can we say that it is an effete art?

从解体后的没落,到新世纪后的慢慢崛起,对于现在的俄罗斯来说,图书出版和销售市场仍然潜力巨大。From the effete ness after the disbandment to the stable rise after the new century now the new russia has a big potential for books'publishing and sales market.

我也相当肯定如果泰迪·罗斯福活在今天的话,他可能会被一些人或团体描述为“那个柔弱的来自东海岸的杰出的环境保护论怪物”。I’m also fairly sure that if Teddy Roo­se­velt were alive today, he’d be referred to in some quarters as “that effete East Coast elitist environmentalist wacko.”