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他们希望捐税能稍有减少。They hope for a small diminution in taxes.

他们希望税捐略微减少。They are hoping for a small diminution in taxes.

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融化的冰川暗示着雨水的减少。The melting glaciers hide the diminution of the rains.

年龄使他的体力和精力逐渐减退。Age brought a gradual diminution of his strength and energy.

他们一开头就谈到罗新斯贵宾离开的问题。Their first subject was the diminution of the Rosings party.

是精力的减少以及担心没有新的想法。It’s a diminution of energy and the worry that there are no new ideas.

不过,这并不意味着核电项目从长远看来将减少。That doesn't mean there will necessarily be a long-term diminution in nuclear projects.

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这个表面上身材的差距不可避免的也会降低他心理上的地位。This literal diminution of his stature inevitably reduces his metaphorical stature, too.

失去由某些物种执行的长距离迁徙活动将是令人痛心的衰退。To lose the long-distance migrations performed by some species would be a grievous diminution.

可回复的财产损害指受害人在损害事件中遭受的财物的减少。Recoverable pecuniary damage is a diminution of the victim's patrimony caused by the damaging event.

这种琐碎的作风叫忠于王室的人和热爱种族的严肃的人都灰心失望。This diminution saddened devoted men who loved their persons, and serious men who honored their race.

拿破仑体力上明显的变弱,那时难道已引起他精力的衰退?Was it the evident physical decline of Napoleon that complicated this epoch by an inward diminution of force?

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而的确政府方面也略微降低了咄咄逼人的姿态和反古巴的声调。It's true there has been a diminution of the aggression and anti-Cuban rhetoric on the part of the administration.

同样,发酵后的烹饪过程也减少了引起肠胀气化合物的量。Likewise, the cooking applied after induced fermentation produced an additional diminution of the compounds related to.

这样一件简单的事,对公众来说,将会减少贫困和增进健康。Through this simple act, the entire social community will experience a diminution of misery and an augmentation of health.

光污染会引起人的视觉疲劳和视力下降,导致儿童性早熟,而且也危及野生动植物。Light pollution can cause fatigue and diminution of vision and sexual precocity of children, but also jeopardize wild animds and plants.

对创伤幸存者进行的后续研究证明,随着时间的流逝,幸存者“习惯于”发展出某种对大部分症状的容忍。Follow-up studies of trauma survivorsdemonstrate that victims, over time, "habituate, " developing acertain tolerance or diminution of most symptoms.

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膜下滴灌技术不仅可减少地面水分蒸发,还可以避免深层渗漏。Mulch trickle irrigation results not only in the diminution of soil water evaporation, but also in the prevention of water percolating into deep soil.

没有理由认为中国的崛起会对美国构成威胁,也没有必要假设中国的兴起意味着美国的主导地位下降。There is no reason to assume that a rising China poses a threat to the United States, or that China’s emergence represents a diminution of American leadership.

因此较多使用问题解决这一应对方式,较少使用发泄与幻想两种应对方式,可能会减少互联网使用带给中学生的消极影响。It demonstrated that the increase of problem solving, diminution of fantasy, and abreaction may predict positive Internet use's effect on middle school students.