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戴勒是个大块头,所以这很不幸。Dele is a big unit, so it's unfortunate.

我不知道我的父母如何受得了我。I do not know how my parents Shou Dele me.

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这种去污剂能去除难洗的污渍。This dele can remove the tough dirty spot.

“大概是五点钟,”德丽雅可怜巴巴的说。Five o'clock, I think, " said Dele , plaintively."

在西班牙的地方,你可以采取西班牙语DELE考试。Places in Spain where you can take the Spanish language DELE exam.

我们建议准备参加DELE考试备考班课程,以便顺利通过考试。We recommend attending a DELE preparation course in order to easily pass the exam.

这些西班牙语课程将集中在DELE考试包括五个部分。These Spanish language courses will focus on the five parts included in the DELE exam.

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霍赫施特德勒说,学生分班进入检查站,可自主决定是否接受检测。Te Dele hooge Shi said that the placement of students into the checkpoint, can decide whether to accept testing.

有迹象表明提供特殊的西班牙语DELE考试备考班课程,其主要目的是准备DELE考试的学生数学校。There are several schools that offer special DELE Spanish language courses where the main objective is to prepare students for the DELE exam.

有三个不同的选项在西班牙语DELE考试备考班的学生谁想要在西班牙学习西班牙语水平考试取决于可用。There are three different options available at the DELE Spanish language exam depending on the level of the students who want to study Spanish in Spain.

因此,我们可以建议,应该采取与正常的西班牙语课程,将着重于学生的西班牙语会话能力更一起一西班牙语DELE考试备考班课程。We can therefore recommend taking a DELE Spanish language course in conjunction with a normal Spanish course, which will focus more on the Spanish conversation skills of the students.