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他悍然漠视法律。He is flagrantly disregarding the law.

大多数例子都有让人难以忍受的偏差和错误。Most of it is flagrantly skewed or incorrect.

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一分钱难倒英雄汉,诚哉斯言!A cent defeats a hero. That's a flagrantly word!

政府终于明目张胆地“救市”了!The government "rescued the city" finally flagrantly !

有人认为,钱三强是更加露骨地反对党的领导。Someone held that Qian's deeds were flagrantly anti-party.

我们的特侦组何以如此惹人议论?How could our Special Investigative Unit be so flagrantly partisan?

在又悲剧了三个测试之后,只剩下最后一个了...After flagrantly failing three more tests, it came down to the final trial.

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竟然还如同没事人一样,明目张胆把它当成商品,公然售卖。Surprising, as nothing like everyone else, as it flagrantly goods openly sold.

莱格利把黑奴当作“会说话的牲口”,任意鞭打,横加私刑。Lai Geli the slave trade as "talking animals", arbitrary whip, flagrantly lynchings.

马蒂,今年19岁,可能抱有最不切实际的想法,他想写俳句。Marty, 19, may have the most flagrantly impractical career goal, next to writing haiku.

漠视精确,在书信的称谓上最明显。Indifference to precision is nowhere more flagrantly manifested than in the superscription of epistles.

最近,它悍然袭击莫桑比克首都马布托南非人住所。Recently, it flagrantly attacked the capital of Mosanbique, Mabuto, I mean the South African residents there.

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我们能够允许这种公开反对宪法原则的“言论自由”吗?Can we tolerate this kind of freedom of speech which flagrantly contravenes the principles of our Constitution?

但是如上表所示,一些重要的欧元区国家悍然地违反这些公约。But as the table on the left shows, some of the eurozone's most prominent nations flagrantly violate those terms.

1397年7月7日,日本悍然发动了卢沟桥事变,全面侵略战争已经开始。On July 7, 1397, Japanese flagrantly launched the Marco Polo bridge incident, comprehensive war of aggression has begun.

这样,被压迫人民的民族解放,独立和社会主义事业就面临艰巨挑战。It is flagrantly challenging the oppressed popular masses in their cause of national liberation, independence and socialism.

削减瑞士银行外国资产持有量可谓明智之举,但赤裸裸地偏袒国内借贷却令人深感不安。Reducing the amount of foreign assets that Swiss banks hold is sensible but privileging domestic lending so flagrantly is alarming.

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一个广告人劝说消费者购买某个产品,却不允许他自己的妻子购买,这是极大的欺骗。It is flagrantly dishonest for an advertising agent to urge consumers to buy a product which he would not allow his own wife to buy.

而现在这种‘洗牌’的行为明目张胆地进行,我们一定要足协给个说法。But present this kind of 'mixes the cards ' the behavior carries on flagrantly , we want certainly the soccer association to give a view.

这种长距离的力完全和所观察到的弱核力行为不相符,因为弱核力的强度在原子核之外即急遽降低。Such a long range flagrantly contradicted the observed behavior of nuclear forces, which fall off rapidly for distances larger than the size of atomic nuclei.