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他刚挖空一只玉米棒子。He had finished gouging out a cob.

这支玉米棒儿仍然自信地说道。The corn on the cob said with confidence.

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还有玉米糊你是在约我出去吗?And corn on the cob. Are you asking me out?

所有玉米棒都涂上黄油,非常美味。Corn on the cob all buttered up and delicious.

玉米也无法结出较好的棒子。The maize plants cannot produce a healthy cob.

这只宠物兔子正在享受一根玉米棒子。This pet rabbit makes a meal of corn on the cob.

他把一段玉米棒子挖空,然后装上烟叶。Nothing but rabbit tobacco. Pa smokes it in a corn cob.

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再也没有人比一个鞋匠愚蠢了,除了那头棕色矮脚马。There's nobody as stupid as a shoemaker, except that bay cob.

除了那头乱叫的矮脚马,没人会跟鞋匠一样蠢。There's nobody as stupid as a shoemaker, except thaw bay cob.

还不错,只是我更喜欢海滩的推车上卖的现烤玉米棒。Is good, but I prefer the beach cart on sell freshly baked cob.

在上面放有玉蜀黍穗轴、菠菜和凤梨环。A corn on the cob and spinach, and also a pineapple ring on top.

不同部位的穗轴和花丝中变化趋势一致。The trend in different position of cob was accord with the silk.

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斯图尔堡附近农场上的一个工人牵着一匹健壮的小马走了过来。A farmer's man from near Stourcastle came up, leading a strong cob.

结果表明,采用籽粒∶穗轴为3∶10的培养方式较好。The result was showed that the model of kernel∶ cob as 3∶10 was the best.

他们那天的晚餐是土豆汉堡包和煮玉米。Their dinner that night was hamburgers with potatoes and corn on the cob.

你也可以用一把锋利的刀,竖直地握住玉米棒子然后从下面切起。You can also use a sharp knife, hold the cob vertically and cut downward.

约经历一周的干燥后,另一层穗秆方可敷于其上。After a drying period of about a week the next layer of cob can be applied.

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而啃了一半的玉米棒和快喝完的可乐是小贝在一家炸鸡店进餐时吃剩下的。The chewed corn cob and soft drink came from a chicken restaurant where Beckham ate.

在我们自己的殖民地时代,玉米芯是一个在普通家庭中极受欢迎的物品。During our own colonial era the corn cob was a popular item found within the common home.

浙江中达轴承有限公司是专业研究、开发与制造自润滑轴承的企业。COB BEARING INC. is specialized in researching, developing and manufacturing oil-less bearings.