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模铸进的衬垫被整体固定在阀体的法兰密封处。Molded-in lr fully supported by valve body at flange seals.

现在的设计已经实现了我们现在想到的一些功能。Current design produces the functionality we have a lr eady specified.

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然而,他们已拥有电视和冰箱。However, they have a lr eady possessed television sets and refrigerators.

而对于填充槽沟与震源中心之距离而言,两者距离在4倍雷利波波长以上为最佳。The optimized distance between the in-filled trench and foundation is about 4 Lr.

要实现高压溶出过程的优化控制,关键是能够在线检测苛性比值与溶出率。In order to control HPD process optimally, the key is to measure RSA and LR online.

研究藻细胞密度和微囊藻毒素LR浓度的相关关系。Relationship between algal cell density and concentration of microcystin LR were studied.

能量密度较小的激光重熔试样具有高于等离子喷涂试样的热震寿命。It was indicated that the higher laser energy input is harmful for thermal shock lifetime of LR TBCs.

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LR是遗传上易感特征,称为内表型,涉及到多基因。LR is a genetically influenced characteristic, known as an endophenotype, that involves multiplegenes.

而植物人的法定代理人可否代其提起离婚诉讼,存在两种截然相反的观点。As to whether the LR could bring up divorce litigation, there are two kinds of clearly contrary standpoints.

本文就层粘连蛋白受体的生物学功能以及在疾病治疗方面的研究进展进行综述。In this article, the advances in biological function of LR and treatment of LR-associated diseases are reviewed.

中药狼疮方可抑制狼疮样小鼠T、B淋巴细胞活化,减轻其高丙种球蛋白血症,减少体内自身抗体产生。LR inhibits the activation of T and B lymphocytes, reduces the serum levels of IgG and auto-antibody production.

换言之,低LR的青少年更可能有同辈是喝的多并且影响不良的。In other words, younger teens with low LR are more likely to have peers who drink more and to have worse outcomes.

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结论。骶尾部脊索瘤治疗中应避免瘤内切除,因为其增加了复发率,缩短的生存期。Conclusions. Intralesional resection should be avoided as it is associated with a higher LR rate and worse survival.

通常,测试自动化涉及自动化对一个已经使用了正式的测验流程的手工过程。Commonly, test automation involves automating a manual process a lr eady in place that uses a formalized testing process.

本文首先阐述了CCS、DNV、LR、GL四家船级社进行船舶结构强度直接计算的具体做法和基本规定。This article first elaborates the ship structure direct calculation concrete methods and regulations of CCS, DNV, LR and GL.

基于似然比统计量和得分统计量,得到变离差的检验。Based on the LR statistic and Score statistic, we obtain a test for heteroscedasticity in nonlinear proper dispersion models.

LR必须证明,在墨西哥,针对妇女的暴力行为无处不在,并且社会普遍认为,这种行为是可以接受的。LR must prove that in Mexico violence against women is pervasive and that there is a societal perception that this is acceptable.

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同时,LR与环境因素相互作用,比如同辈影响,人们对饮酒感受的预期和压力。Meanwhile, LR interacts with environmental factors such as peer influence, one's expectation for the effect of drinking, and stress.

“墨西哥男人认为,虐待他们的女人是他们的权利,因为这些女人就像一件物品一样,”LR在法庭申诉中这样说道。"In Mexico, men believe they have a right to abuse their women because they are like a possession, " LR said in the court submission.

但是,LR不能预测发展成其他精神疾病或物质滥用障碍的风险,这使它成为AUD特有的风险因素。However, LR does not predict the risk of developing other psychiatric or substanceuse disorders, making it a unique risk factor for AUD.