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火鸡肉是绝佳的色氨酸来源。Turkey meat is an excellent source for tryptophan.

一旦进入大脑,色氨酸会被转化成血清素。Once in the brain, the tryptophan is converted to serotonin.

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而给另一组的饮料中含有色氨酸。Control subjects were given drinks that contained tryptophan.

血清色胺酸含量以喂饲低色胺酸饲粮者较低。Serum tryptophan was lower in chicks fed low tryptophan diet.

猫无法从色氨酸中合成足够的烟酸。The cat cannot synthesise sufficient nicotinic acid from tryptophan.

白蛋白中色氨酸残基的荧光被苯甲酸钠淬灭。The fluorescence of tryptophan residue in BSA was quenched by benzoate.

色氨酸在医药、食品、饲料等方面具有广泛的用途。Tryptophan has many uses in the fields of medicine , foodstuff and fodder.

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一到感恩节,色氨酸象漂亮的口号,人人都知道。Everyone knows tryptophan as a buzzword you hear a lot around Thanksgiving.

色氨酸在你空腹,而非饱腹的时候工作。Tryptophan works when your stomach is empty, not when your stomach is very full.

但是杏仁一样可以帮助你的睡眠,因为它富含色氨酸和镁。But almond can also help your sleep because it contains tryptophan and magnesium.

香蕉富含褪黑激素,和色氨酸一样,也能促进睡眠。It's a great natural source of melatonin, the sleep hormone, as well as tryptophan.

除蛋氨酸和色氨酸外的所有氨基酸可根据两种或两种以上基码确定。All amino acids except methionine and tryptophan are specified by two or more codons.

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经久不衰的尝试是喝热牛奶,其中同样含有色氨酸。The time-honored tradition, of course, is warm milk, also a good source of tryptophan.

同样地,在睡前喝一杯富含色氨酸的温牛奶也是非常有效的。Similarly, a warm milky drink at bedtime works very well as milk is high in tryptophan.

某些食品如果含有一种叫色氨酸的氨基酸,就会被认为是放松食品。Some foods are considered relaxing foods if they contain an amino acid called tryptophan.

这组作者写道,营养不良的人群的饮食常常缺乏色氨酸。The authors write that diets poor in tryptophan are common in undernourished populations.

经蛋白质侧链化学修饰研究表明,色氨酸残基位于酶的活性位区。These suggested that tryptophan residue may be located at the binding site of the enzyme.

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色氨酸能在人体内转化成五羟色胺,这是一种能够影响人情绪和行为的神经传递质。Tryptophan gets converted into serotonin, a brain chemical that affects mood and behavior.

火鸡肉中的确含有一种氨基酸叫色氨酸,对睡眠和情绪会产生影响。It does contain an amino acid called tryptophan that is involved in sleep and mood control.

土豆可以清除那些在身体中扰乱色氨酸工作的酸。Potatoes are able to clean acid that can disrupt the performance of tryptophan in the body.