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那在核心熔毁之前有多少时间?How much time is there before a meltdown?

是老大哥过于敏感了?Is a Big Brother overprotective meltdown?

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戈多,我的时尚形象正面临垮台。Gordo, I am in the middle of a fashion meltdown.

切尔诺贝利事故是可怕的、创伤性的。The Chernobyl meltdown was hideous and traumatic.

美国房屋破落的最新情况But here’s the latest on America’s housing meltdown

中国从未遭受过重大核熔解事故。China has never experienced a major nuclear meltdown.

他对此次崩溃或者自己在其中的角色没有评论。He has not commented on the meltdown or his role in it.

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这使得变换活动更容易,而且不会乱套。That makes it easier to switch gears without a meltdown.

财政危机迫使人们更关切家庭安全。The financial meltdown produced more interest in home safes.

每一次像样的技术性崩溃事件都应该有个专属新词。Every decent technological meltdown deserves its own neologism

专家们还没有排除反应炉核心完全熔毁的可能性。Experts have not ruled out the possibility of a complete meltdown.

这次危机不仅是一个金融事件,而且是一个文化事件。This meltdown is not just a financial event, but also a cultural one.

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但是你的速度一向不快,而在经济衰退中,分分秒秒都至关重要。But you’ve never been known for speed, and in a meltdown minutes matter.

全球金融危机进一步巩固了中国的自信心。The global financial meltdown has further buttressed China's confidence.

如果太热,棒条就会熔化,即“熔毁”这个专业名词。If the rods get too hot, they can eventually melt, thus the term "meltdown."

当前的经济衰退可能会使减缓强制总量控制与交易制度的到来,但是它没有停步。The current meltdown may have delayed its arrival, but cap-and-trade is coming.

城市学者乔尔-科特金将这次经济衰退称作是蓝州的一场“大崩溃”。The urban scholar Joel Kotkin has called this recession a blue-state "meltdown."

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如果一个孩子等到彻底失去控制的时候才想要控制,那就太晚了。If a child waits until he is in "meltdown" mode to get in control, it’s too late.

他的一个固定收入测试就是针对1988年LTCM和债券市场的崩溃的情况。One of its fixed-income tests is a replay of the 1998 LTCM and bond-market meltdown.

游行将最终集中在英格兰银行,为12点庆祝G20的彻底垮台的狂欢。The marches will converge on the Bank of England for the G20 Meltdown Carnival at 12pm