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离婚的光明面?An Upside To Divorce?

她绝不会和你离婚的。She would never divorce you.

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你能使生活与艺术脱离吗?Can you divorce life from art?

小曼却向一乐提出了离婚。To a small, filed for divorce.

罗依于1999年申请离婚。Rowe filed for divorce in 1999.

人人都在议论她的离婚。Everyone remarked on her divorce.

哦,离婚纠纷Okay, in divorce struggles, okay.

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黄敏回来了,提出了离婚。Huang came back, filed for divorce.

她突然向我提出要求离婚。She struck me to sue for a divorce.

离婚拆散了许多家庭。Divorce breaks up a lot of families.

他因离婚案被传讯。He was cited in divorce proceedings.

我那段十年的婚姻以离婚告终。My 10-year marriage ended in divorce.

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她将和他就离婚问题进行交涉。She will tackle him over the divorce.

“为孩子而友好离婚”的时代已经来临The child-friendly divorce has arrived

在这种情况下,为了离婚,谁起诉谁,又在那里起诉呢?So who sues whom for divorce and where?

除了离婚可以无所不谈。Talk about everything – except divorce.

小冬要跟彭院长离婚。Little winter for divorce with Mr. Peng.

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因为我是一个专办离婚案的律师。"I'm a divorce lawyer," the man replies.

我恨他,我曾想与他离婚。I hate him and I wanted to get a divorce.

她向律师请教有关她离婚的事。She consulted a lawyer about her divorce.