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如果这样的话,作为被许可方,您同意了哪些条款?If so, what terms did you agree to as a licensee?

被许可方可以通过销售软件获利。A licensee can profit from the sale of the software.

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牌照持有人及准受让人的身分证明文件。Proof of identity of both the licensee and transferee.

所有安全阀门将由被许可方进行爆裂试验?。All safety valves will undergo popping tests by the Licensee.

授权方同意向被授权方提供一台专用解码器。The Licensors agree to supply the Licensee with one special decoder.

摩托罗拉仍将是安卓的一个授权使用者,安卓将保持开放。Motorola will remain a licensee of Android and Android will remain open.

被许可方也不得为了上述目的将EPO局数据交付给任何第三方。Nor may the Licensee pass on EPO data to third parties for such purposes.

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中国持牌奇瓦制药也正在调查的乙肝病毒药物。China licensee Chiva Pharmaceuticals is also investigating the drug for HBV.

该系统须只由获持牌人为此授权的人操作。The system shall be operated only by persons authorized by the licensee in that behalf.

该电台须只由获持牌人为此授权的人操作。The Station shall be operated only by persons authorised by the Licensee in that behalf.

获许可的人负责确定符合所有城市的有关条例的作法。The licensee is responsible for ensuring compliance with all relevant by-laws of the city.

受让人必须是申请人所属鱼類养殖区的现有持牌人。The transferee must be an existing licensee of the same fish culture zone as the applicant.

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乙方应使授权物免受索赔、扣押、和债权。Licensee shall keep the Licensed Materials free and clear of all claims, liens and encumbrances.

被许可方可以同意条款并接受规定的权限,或者放弃使用软件。A licensee can agree to the terms and enjoy the prescribed permissions or forgo using the software.

被许可人可以选择采用所有标准涉及的必要专利。The licensee may choose to obtain a Package License for all the Necessary Claims of the AVS Standards.

所有这些意图都是肯定的,不会阻止许可方或被许可方强加附加的条款。All these intentions are affirmative and hardly bar the licensor or licensee from imposing additional terms.

持牌人须采取一切切实可行的步骤,以防止该讯息被任何用户接收。The licensee shall take all practicable steps to prevent such a message from being received by any subscriber.

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本协议的修改只能通过被许可方和许可方之间的相互书面协议作出决定。Amendments to this Agreement can only be decided by mutual written agreement between the Licensee and the Licensor.

这个条款仅有被授权者有权终止协议,对授权者并不公平。This provision does not seem fair to the Licensor since only the Licensee has the right to terminate the Agreement.

所有涉及本合同商标或其复制品的宣传材料的产权应归接受方所有。All artwork and designs involving the Registered Trademark, or any reproduction thereof, shall BE owned by Licensee.