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圣教会能宽免婚配的阻碍么?Can the Church give a dispensation from these impediments?

对低毒脲醛树脂的配方设计进行了研究,应用均匀设计法设计试验。Study on the dispensation design of low-toxicity UF resin is made.

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这是显而易见的,从本质省却及拔萃管辖权。This is evident from the nature of dispensation and of diocesan jurisdiction.

掠必你们曾听见神赐恩给我,将关切你们的职分托付我If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward

后来,亨利向教皇亚历山大请求在法律上否定这两个条款。Henry then appealed to Pope Alexander IV for dispensation to repudiate both provisions.

因此,神的经纶首先是祂的家庭经营的事。Thus, God's dispensation is first a matter of His household economy, or family economy.

然而对2018年后免除不执行权利一项,不管“基础四国”给出什么承诺,都不会有太大价值。Yet whatever promise the BASIC countries offer for a post-2018 dispensation will be modest.

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寻求永生生命的人类历史就是一部摄理历史路程。The history of humankind seeking the eternal life is the course of the providential dispensation.

没准你能得到个特许,可以去拍你邻居的屁股,可必须先给我们瞧瞧这啥个样子的特许。Some dispensation may be got for photographing thy neighbor's ass, we'd have to see it first though.

不久后,在1704年因为健康不佳,他被免除主持弥撒。Not long after, in 1704, he was given a dispensation from celebrating the Holy Mass because of his ill health.

看看这些被告——你找不到一个人真正相信他在过去进行谋杀的行径可以得到豁免。Look at the defendants—you won`t find a single one who really believes he had the dispensation to murder back then.

评选出在原配方的基础上添加缓蚀阻垢助剂RP-49,抗硫化物腐蚀性能提高。Corrosion inhibitor RP-49 adding in old dispensation have been chosen, corrosion preventive ability can be improved.

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圣沙克雷芒的圣德尼教堂是我们教区的,但我会弄到许可证让你们到圣保罗教堂去举行婚礼。Our parish is Saint-Denis du Saint Sacrament, but I will get a dispensation so that you can be married at Saint-Paul.

圣沙克雷芒的圣德尼教堂是我们教区的,但我会弄到许可证让你们到圣保罗教堂去举行婚礼。Our parish is Saint-Denis du Saint Sacrament , but I will get a dispensation so that you can be married at Saint-Paul.

旧约里说,“凡有血气的,尽都如草“,这是基督教教义新体系中的重要一条。The Old Testament prophet had said, "All flesh is grass," an important verse for the new dispensation of Christianity.

婚姻省却是放宽在特定案件中的一个障碍,禁止或废止婚姻。A matrimonial dispensation is the relaxation in a particular case of an impediment prohibiting or annulling a marriage.

作为人,是因果关系的必然,而作为犹太人,是一神论的特权产物。As a man you claim, so to speak, a dispensation from causality otherwise accepted, as a Jew the privilege of monotheism.

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我喜欢的作者包括研究部前主管罗宾·哈里斯,一位撒切尔主义者,不愿向时下制度妥协的人。I should have loved a piece by the former director Robin Harris, a Thatcherite not reconciled to the current dispensation.

在基督教的豁免邻居不仅是一本真正的信仰,但裂,抛弃,和异教的。In the Christian dispensation the neighbour is not only one of the true faith, but the schismatic , the outcast, and the pagan.

政客也许并不懂得二级抵押贷款市场,但他们很懂得借这个项目上镜头,拉拢选民。Politicians may not understand the secondary-mortgage market, but they do understand a photo opportunity and the dispensation of pork.